Friday, March 29, 2013

My One Hundred Gratitudes Today


I am grateful:

"Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude."Ralph Waldo Emerson

1. my bird companions
2. they are happy when I wheel them in their flight cage into l.r. and play piano!
3. Some fun last night on vaca
4. Seeing M Sat
5. Seeing O Tuesday
6. Our lunch together
7. Our trip to Sephora
8. Where I didn’t buy anything
9. But got a birthday present
10. And our trip to L & T
11. Where I didn’t buy anything
12. That she is getting back with her husband
13. My dr. yesterday
14. Good session
15. Hope
16. Talk with J yesterday
17. Piano
18. Practicing
19. Did a econd millet time
20. And birdies came right to ti this time!
21. And ate
22. And stood on
23. And walked on
24. And came so close, and were eating so hard, tat I had to move my fingers
25. And are liking their cuttlebone now
26. And their bell toy
27. And their expensive wooden toy too
28. And they sleep on that most night – I find them there whin I uncover in morning
29. So cute! (not sure about ladder though – and think not mirror yet)
30. Their tails
31. And that I touched one
32. Good positive fb pages
33. My breath. So grateful for my breath
34. The Reiki I gave the other day
35. And what *I * got out of it too! As a side effect about which I’d forgotten!
36. That I am closest confidant to A
37. And he is one of closest to me. It is nice.
38. Good Friday now. I am grateful that I woke up feeling reverant
39. And prayed first thing
40. And wheeled the birds to the l.r.
41. And am here now myself too
42. And played piano for them
43. Grateful that I WILL do the terrifying-to-me mother stuff today
44. And that J will help asap too
45. That having coffee
46. That have friends
47. That M called
48. Baby animals
49. That I see videos of them on facebook
50. That there is hope
51. That I can breathe
52. That I can play some piano
53. That M is probably coming to the recital
54. That I can do Reiki
55. That I put on some sound so birdies will be more comfortable. Silence scares them. They kind of wait for trouble. I have read that too
56. That I think I have JUST ENOUGH stuff in their cage
57. And can switch it out too
58. That I have calligraphy from Thich Nhat Hanh
59. THREE of them! SO fortunate!
60. And the money went to the Vietnames orphans
61. And I got them in LONDON!
62. That last year at this time, I was in England. Oh so thankful for that
63. Fresh coffee this morning
64. That I have never once in my life had to think twice about having water. SO lucky!
65. That I am not all alone in cyber-space
66. That my life IS improved since I started this blog.
67. And should KEEP improving
68. That I have washer and dryer in my house
69. That I can type
70. And have all my fingers and fingertips. Some people don’t
71. The pillows I bought fo the l.r.
72. With red. I like red. And it brightens up the place. With the white too.
73. That I managed to put that rug down
74. That summer is coming
75. And chances are I shall be alive to enjoy it
76. And WILL enjoy it. I feel better even writing that
77. The good things my parents did for me. Like buying me the book “Sonnets from the Portuegese.” Them NOTICING what I liked
78. My father buying me the book on trees
79. And – on BIRDS! Because I ALWAYSA loved birds too!
80. My birdies singing right now. Nice.
81. That I managed to get that cage her that day! It was hard!
82. Learning
83. That I read so much when I was little
84. This:
85. That I have hair
86. That I have food
87. Salad. Organic salad. Mm
88. That I can really like and appreciate it now.
89. Presents
90. I took the whole day off yesterday from sort of everything!
91. Beautiful paintings of women
92. Oceans. May we keep them cleaner…
93. People who are working on helping our planet sustain us
94. Noble people
95. J. in my life
96. God
97. Good Friday
98. Easter
99. Open-minded people
100. Tolerant people
101. And my spirituality

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