Saturday, March 30, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. I look at just the products I have in my bathroom, and am amazed at how much I have. I have soap.
2. And even vegan soap.__
3. And shampoo
4. And hair conditioner
5. And 2 in 1 soap and conditioner.
6. I have toothpaste – 2 different kinds
7. And a toothbrush
8. And floss
9. I have liquid soap too
10. And a medicine cabinet
11. And a mirror
12. And a vanity cabinet
13. I have aspirin
14. And a thermometer
15. And covers for it
16. I have a razor shaver
17. And shaving cream
18. And hand cream
19. And matches
20. And Lysol
21. And hairspray (that I rarely use but I have it)
22. And mousse (that I rarely use but I have it)
23. I have a plunger (that I wouldn’t know HOW to use lol but I have it)
24. I have bath towels
25. And huge towels
26. And hand towels
27. Washcloths
28. Stipling that was put on the ceinling for me out of love.
29. Wallpaper that was put up for me in love
30. A sink
31. A toilet
32. A bathtub
33. A shower head
34. A bath mat
35. Pepto Bismal
36. Toilet tissue
37. Wet wipes
38. Shih tzu mug for my toothbrush. J bought it
39. Nice light fixtures on walls
40. Grounded electricity
41. And I have a hair dryer blow dryer.
42. And facial cleanser
43. I am glad that I don’t expect to have to ever struggle not afford food for the birds
44. And that today I shall even give them some more organic greens
45. I am grateful that I had half an hour singing to and “hand” (at end of stick) feeding the birdies last night
46. And that usually although they are quiet when no tv or music on in the house, they have been singing this morning
47. And that good Friday is over. I am.
48. I am grateful for the things I have in this den. That I HAVE a den.
49. My Kandinsky calendar
50. Desk
51. Lamp
52. Tv
53. Vcr
54. Stand
55. Birds
56. Cage
57. That it is a flight cage
58. Picasso print
59. Round wooden thing
60. Bookshelves
61. Sophisticated sofa
62. Little table
63. Closet
64. Magazines
65. Books
66. Laptop
67. Wood floow first shih tzu pic and foot print. We rescued her
68. Painting done for me by 3rd gr. Student
69. And another by another one
70. And a third by yet another one!
71. Great pic with great saying on wall
72. Pretty color walls
73. Light fixture on ceiling, that I love
74. And one on wall too
75. 2 windows
76. sort of natural shades
77. eye drops
78. meds
79. dust mop Swiffer like thing. (needed for under bird cag! Lol – feathers, seeds,…)
80. that I can type
81. that I did it – got these birds
82. that I am taking care of them
83. that last year, this exact time, these dates, I was in London
84. *I * have been to Europe!
85. That I am stronger than I used to be
86. prayer
87. mindfulness meditation
88. Reiki
89. I have begun, just yesterday lol, to believe that I WILL eventually find a man to spend time with, who has the things most important to me: nobility, appreciation for or at least acceptance of my spirituality, compassion, thoughtfulness, romance, sex, cherish me, support self, smart, and funny or at least fun, like spending time together. I do.
90. God
91. Jesus
92. Thich Nhat Hanh
93. That I honor Good Friday, even though it’s hard for me
94. That M. will probably come to my recital! Yay
95. That O. MAY come on retreat with me.
96. That I am grateful
97. That my kitchen is clean
98. That my bathroom is clean
99. That I have laundry done
100. Singing
101. That the birds love when I sing to them
102. Music
103. Piano
104. That my practice is going well now: )

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