Friday, November 23, 2012

So Sad. So sad.

L. loves me. But he has libido problems, and what we all think is severe childhood abuse which he's repressed. So he backs up when things don't change from the past. He has written me back. A loving and honest letter. And I love him for it. Including this: "Upon reflection, however, I can report that this is not the first time this situation has arisen, or rather has been reported to me, in a relationship in which I was involved. I am beginning to wonder whether this is an inherent flaw in my character. Or perhaps in my problematic and episodic libido. And perhaps the underlying cause of my chronic relationship failures in the past. Maybe I’m just getting too old for this sort of thing." And this, "I do love you very much, and care for you very much, and would never want to do anything that would hurt you. But evidently I have. And I feel awful about that. What can I do?" And this, " I write this with much hesitation and sadness. What do you suggest? Love, L" I'm so sad. So sad. I will do gratitudes etc. Just so sad right this minute:(


  1. I am sad for you since he seems to have so many other great qualities.

    Intimacy is a very important part of every relationship, especially in the honeymoon period. I don't think anyone could fault you for needing and wanting more.

    You have learned many lessons from him. I am sorry things weren't different.

  2. Thank you. You are such a dear.
