Monday, June 3, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. I slept nicely
2. Loved my dreams
3. Skin felt good
4. Body felt food
5. Coffee tastes good
6. I prayed to God first thing this am
7. This__________Night, the beloved. Night, when words fade and things come alive. When the destructive analysis of day is done, and all that is truly important becomes whole and sound again. When man reassembles his fragmentary self and grows with the calm of a tree.
~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
8. My whole body felt so good overnight. My feet my breasts… I just felt good inside and out.
9. I wonder if it’s the more vegetables?
10. I know it’s partly the humidity
11. My birds JUST NOW started chirping for the day
12. I got 7 report cards done yesterday
13. I am not in a panic today. But in a relaxed state. Maybe getting the extra sleep is what I NEED right now. And that’s okay.
14. I have never had an STD
15. I can drive
16. I can walk
17. I can stretch
18. I can sing
19. I can play piano
20. I can knit
21. I can crochet
22. I can do needlepoint
23. I can do crewel work
24. I can do stamped cross stitch
25. And I ENJOY all
26. I have that pretty lilac yarn J brought for me when I was sick
27. I will somehow meet all my deadlines. : )
28. And then summer will come : )
29. This________
30. I have an easy commute
31. Non GMO non-dairy yogurt
32. Dancing
33. Tv
34. My Kandinsky calendar
35. Showers
36. My pretty pedicure
37. Nice color too
38. My health
39. That I can breathe on my own
40. That I don’t have a fever
41. My internal ok feeling this morning, oh thank God!
42. Eating so well the past 2 days
43. When I feel cozy
44. Indian okra. I hate okra. But I love it with onions or with onions and tomatoes, at Indian restaurants.
45. That my birdies eat organic greens
46. and organic baby greens
47. they eat kale. It is their favorite
48. and spinach
49. and “spring mix”
50. and that they seem to have started eating their pellets too
51. that I get a lunch break at work
52. the nice bag given to me by a parent
53. that I am carrying it to work now, with my books
54. nice mother’s day projects that we did with the kids
55. nice father’s day ones we have coming up
56. people who care about animals
57. that my birds are free for so many hours!
58. And I think it will become even more
59. Water
60. Fruit. Fruit is really a miracle, I think.
61. Grapes on their vine. Including next door to me.
62. Fresh figs. Like at my grandparents’ house.
63. Oranges
64. Lemons
65. Limes. Right on their trees
66. Bananas. I remember seeing bananas growing, on our honeymoon.
67. Strawberries.
68. The post about removing the seeds to plant. Cool.
69. And some people can even grow them in containers.
70. When J planted that garden for me. Not fruit but oh I loved that.
71. Basil
72. Parsley
73. Tomatoes
74. And he said, “For my little Italian.”
75. Hope
76. L’s friendship
77. And his compassion for animals
78. And for people
79. Prayer
80. God
81. YOU
82. My fingers.
83. That I play piano with them
84. And love typing with them too
85. THIS computer’s keyboard. I love it (MacBook Pro)
86. And that I have the same one to use at work. Lucky.
87. Telephones in classrooms. We had to fight for them (for communicating professionally, not personal calls)
88. My white board. I was the first elementary teacher in the district to ask for and get one
89. My Smart Board. I was ONE OF the first
90. My students this year. Beyond loveable.
91. Music
92. Paintings
93. That I have seen some of Jackson Pollack’s irl.
94. And Lee Krasner’s
95. And Kandinsky’s
96. And Picasso’s
97. And that Van Gogh show with J at the Met.
98. And Degas’ sculptures
99. And his paintings too
100. That we bring our students to see these too.
300 grats in 2 days. Thank you God! For ALL my gifts. ALL.

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