Saturday, January 12, 2013

I. Am. Well.

Night before last I wrote to L. He called. I repeated what I'd written. He seemed to understand. I was abundantly clear and did not back down. The end. But then, he texted twice and emailed once yesterday! However, I have disengaged. No replies period. When he wrote those 3 times, I had to wonder: is he so manipulative as to be practically Machiavellian. Or does he live in such a state of denial that his mental health is really worrisome. Sad in either event, but not by business. He is not my business. I am healthy now:) Last night I took myself to a movie. Have only ever done that once before, decades ago, when something sad was going on! But last night, I did it for the enjoyment of doing it! I picked Les Mis although a few people said not to because weepy movie. But something drew me to it. And I picked it. And I'm glad I did! I loved my date with myself!

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