Saturday, January 26, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

1. That got those other pics on that day! lol
2. good whole foods. like whole grain toast
3. hummus
4. guacamole
5. garlic
6. onions
8. beans
9. almonds
10. pecans
11. walnuts
12. brazil nuts
13. dates
14. figs
15. chestnuts
16. pistachios
17. collards
18. spinach
19. broccoli
20. artichoke hearts!
21. whole fresh artichokes!
22. peppers
23. tea
24. eggplant
25. green beans
26. curcumin
27. turmeric
28. oregano
29. parsley
30. berries. like goji berries
31. and cherries
32. blueberries
33. strawberries
34. blackberries
35. raspberries
36. other fruits. including bananas
37. oranges
38. plums
39. peaches
40. rosemary
41. sage
42. thyme
43. peanut butter
44. tomatoes
45. whole grain spelt
46. Indian food
47. whole wheat couscous
48. soup. homemade soups
49. "Strictly Roots" restaurant in Harlem
50. corn
51. grits
52. the tofu from "Strictly Roots"
53. plaintains
54. Good vegan Italian food.
55. Like my mother's zucchini and tomoatoes
56. and her veggie stew
57. tomato sauce
58. cabbage
59. lettuce like iceberg. really
60. romaine
61. and home grown
62. and boston
63. and arugula
64. dandilion greens
65. chard
66. kale
67. celery
68. tops of celery in soups
69. pumpkin
70. carrots - sometimes lol
71. the home-cooked dinners with which I grew up
72. and all the ones J made for me, for us, too.
73. the teddy he bought me. to make me feel good at my weight. and it did. and what he said did too.
74. salads
75. photos
76. i'm miserable inside right now. must think. what am i truly grateful for. i am certainly grateful to be so lucky as to have access to all those foods.
77. and for laughter!
78. and for water!
79. my hands
80. and electricity
81. and sitcoms on today. to help me through the things i don't want to do
82. some of the posts i get on fb
83. doggie
84. J
85. M
86. the other day wen she said she wishes to get house big enough for a br for me and we could be family together. that felt so good. she meant someday and i would sell mine. and it will never happen. but it's good to be loved
87. MA. all these years
88. thich nhat hanh. and how he helps me feel about myself
89. broth
90. sustenance.
91. spoons. really. especially the old-fasioned ones, in like a wooden bowl
92. the time J and I went "camping" - only stayed just til dark and then came home
93. tigers. so beautiful
94. my students appreciating nature so much
95. birth control
96. petunias
97. pansies. Both are especially happy looking flowers, to me.
98. every time i have had flowers in my yard here
99. the time O helped me plant them
100. and when i did alone, at other place
101. and all times J did.

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