Monday, January 28, 2013

Note to Self - And Lesson

Lesson #10. So glad I made myself get here, flat tired (which they're fixing right now) and all!. This lesson is: If J doesn't love you, he doesn't. If he does and is confused, he does and is confused. If he just doesn't want you, he just doesn't want you. You CANNOT change that!
You can ONLY do with the life you have!
Make it good or make it suck.
Because the truth is the truth and whether you like it or not, You cannot change things you cannot change, period.
Meanwhile you are alive, you have health, and love (friends and students and mother and maybe even some cousins and an aunt), and abilities and a home and a job and a car. You have support when you need it. Doctors, dentist, principal to help, assistant to her, friends who help as you do them. You even have url friends. Meetings are available for all sorts of issues if you need. You even have a shrink.
Build a life. Breathe. Enjoy the moment.

And how will you be better off when you turn - name any age - ?
If you wallow now because "it's so late and you're miserable and worthless and your life is hopeless anyway?"
If you do what you can to ACCOMPLISH and to ENJOY today?
Which will make it better not only this minute and today, but next year? In 3 years? In 10 years? 20?
So there.
Lesson # 11. Check!

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