Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. I did get the new tire done.
2. That I could walk to the place right from work
3. That I was able to afford it.
4. That I paid the checks for my mother's aides on Sunday
5. That I can trust that mechanic
6. That I got to work safely after the car-incident!
7. That I didn't lose my house in Super-Storm Sandy
8. People sending energies for me. I was really in trouble Sunday. Like Christmas Day. Very bad. I needed the help.
9. J sending Reiki energy and thoughts
10. Jo sending prayers
11. Other Jo also
12. MA good wishes
13. L. prayers.
14. M
15. That I bet to work with M!
16. And on same grade level
17. And right next door too. I didn't want to switch grades very much, but this was SUCH a bonus! Actually dreamt about it last night!
18. I don't know WHAT shape I'm in, but I know it's not as bad as Sunday
19. That I explained to A the changes I must make.
20. That he accepted them pretty graciously
21. That I didn't spend the time on the computer last night. Spending those hours each day typing in the little box was altering. Bad. This is better already.
22. I am grateful for the lessons of non-human animals (and babies too). Like the pic I just saw on fb of a wide-eyed kitten, that says, "Are you having a bad day? Do you want my box to play with?"
23. L's communication all day yesterday, to help me because I was so down. Thank you, L, and thank you God, for that.
24. I was SO totally involved, and gave the kids so MUCH yesterday.
25. That one of them told me he meditated for 3 minutes this weekend!
26. I'm grateful that he DID it, AND That he told me.
AND - taught his sister how to!
27. Therefore, I am very grateful that I am teaching them this.
28. That I got home safely. It was slippery out.
29. J. came here and did a favor. Oh I am so grateful for that.
30. And for his phone call to me afterward, saying he is willing to help with a few more things like that. Oh, thank you God. Thank you, J.
31. And that I felt a sense of help and not being alone and relief and lay down right after
32. A little bit of it went away due to A, but not fully away. I made it a priority to keep it as much as I could.
33. M called this am already
34. L called this am already
35. I am grateful for this blog.
36. And for JJ
37. and EJ
38. And Birdie
40. Readers. I am not alone in cyber-space. It was horrible when I used to be, or think I was. I still remember vividly that first message saying honey you are not alone in cyberspace
41. Not being alone. And maybe someday I won't be alone in the house either
42. Living more in the moment yesterday. And realizing, like, the moment I'm walking through the building at school, for example, it is not relevant whether someone is in my house when I'll get home or not. I mean of course it changes life when you are part of a family, but in that moment I am waling alone anyway in the hall at school, and it felt better to realize that.
It is so LATE but I am grateful that I am FINALLY becoming my own person.
43. I am grateful for the special thing happening a bit at work today
44. and that it is not too icy out right now I don't think
45. That i probably don't have pneumonia
46. I have never been in a fire
47. Every act of kindness toward me Sun, yesterday, and today.
48. Every act of kindness toward anyone
49. Every act of kindness I have done too.
50. The bit of disposable income I have had in my life so far.
51. That I am ABLE to work
52. and walk
53. and see
54. and speak
55. broccoli
56. that is was delivered here Sun - Chinese food broccoli
57. and i had more yesterday
58. and still have more for today
59. wild and free horses
60. wild and free dolphins
61. that i live in the area of the world where i do
62. my maternal grandmother
63. my aunt L
64. my lady parts
65. honest people
66. London. That I was in London. I know this comes up a lot But I am SO grateful for it!
67. the trips I took on the tour buses there
68. Readings in books
69. Readings on line
70. J's idea on how I can use the iPod that I paid for and don't use and even offered to him.
71. J in my life right now even in this capacity
72. That I am coming to terms with it.
73. Every moment of peace that I do have.
74. Music
75. Art
76. That L. reminded me that they are worthwhile in lfe.
77. My "Reiki" ring
78. Mindfulness breathing meditation
79. Thich Nhat Hanh.
80. That there is a post on his site today that says, "The kingdom of God is available to you in the here and the now. But the question is whether you are available to the kingdom. Our practice is to make ourselves ready for the kingdom so that it can manifest in the here and the now. You don't need to die in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. In fact, you have to be truly alive in order to do so."
81. And that i have seen/heard him say that in person!
82. They took the garbage this am.
83. And that I saw them do it.
84. That although I can't seem to do it anymore, I did get those first two pictures on the blog. I'll figure out again, I expect. Or get help to.
85. Being able to get help when needed again. Was suffering alone on own for too long.
87. J. helping with that.
88. 100 grats a day practice
89. and the woman who introduced me to it
90. 2 deep breaths just now
91. toilet paper. need to buy more and makes me mindful of how lucky am to have it
92. napkins same thing
93. and paper towels same thing
94. soap
95. detergent
96. shampoo
97. conditioner
98. Staten Island. That I have finally been there now. And many times.
99. I have never been in a violetn crime by a stranger.
100. Towels. Really.

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