Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. The privacy of my blog. I mean, I WANT it open to the world, but not to my friends. I want this space for me and others. And to be totally 100% free. Although there is really nothing here that my friends don't know! Weird. Grateful anyway.
2. I am grateful that I work indoors today. (as always).
3. I am grateful for weather forecasters.
4. And people who stand behind their beliefs.
5. For books
6. And magazines
7. For good doctors
8. And nurses
9. And scientists
10. And hospitals
11. I am grateful for the more cheeriness that is coming inside me.
12. And that butterflies come from cocoons.
13. And that I am okay.
14. I am grateful for salad
15. And that I have never been really harmed in a hurricane.
16. Or any natural disaster
17. And that J. takes such good care of doggie
18. For L's friendship. For now...
19. For email
20. That I did sleep last night
21. That I. am. a teacher. Teacher. Good.
22. For music
23. Gas in my car.
24. Heat in my house. Needs to be redone, but *I* am not freezing (plants may be but I am not)
25. Tables
26. Rugs
27. Laughter. Every single time I have laughed.
28. Facebook.
29. Inspirational posts
30. The fb page Amazing Colorful World
31. The fb page PicTureS and MirrOrS
32. The fb page Amazing Earth
33. The fb page Best Inspirational, Motivational and Romantic Thoughts
34. Interesting message from former bf, catching me up on his life. Trials, struggles, and how he's come through . To be better than ever perhaps.
35. Inclusiveness. I don't like this or any president, repub or democr. But I liked the inclusiveness of his speech.
36. People who are not bigoted
37. Every time anyone has extended friendship to me.
38. Garlic hummus
39. Anyone whom The Biggest Loser inspires.
40. Compassion. All compassion.
41. Kairava, my Reiki Master.
42. Mindfulness
43. Prayer
44. Exercise!
45. JJ and EJ emailing me yesterday! And JJ commenting too! Thank you!
46. I am grateful that there are vegan cookbooks.
And for my amazing recipe for spanikopita, which I got from 365 Simply Delicious Dairy Free Recipes, but just changed oil to Earth Balance. Wow. It's amazing.
47. That I have fresh, healthy, homemade lentil soup in the freezer right now.
48. And that I will bring it for lunch today.
49. That I have a microwave in my classroom.
50. And the idea a colleague gave me: just leave it unplugged all the time, except the two minutes or so you use it every now and then. That's not wasteful. Good.
51. Grateful that I have a fridge in classroom too.
52. That wine and other alcoholic beverages do not call to me.
53. And that drugs do not call to me.
54. That I am DOING my grats!
55. That my mother is having such good healthy days
56. And sounds so much better.
57. Grateful for my feet. They work perfectly, have no pain, and are even pretty. Lucky me: )
58. Grateful for how quickly I type, and that I enjoy it so much.
59. That I have indoor plumbing.
60. That it doesn't take that much materially to make me happy.
61. My friend St.
62. And MA of course.
63. And M's friendship too.
65. ML
66. A. I THINK it is okay for now...
67. That I keep confidences
68. Grass
69. Tress
70. Flowers
71. Houseplants
72. My Christmas cactus cuttings, still blooming in the water!
73. Pits and seeds, and that you can grow houseplants just from those!
74. Frugal things. Frugal people and their ideas.
75. My den lamp
76. That I have never been shot.
77. That I have never COMMITTED a violent crime.
78. Smiles
79. I am grateful that I am not homeless.
80. And for learning about the Law of Attraction. Still have a long way to go in implementing it (as per grat. 79, which was not worded correctly according to law of Attraction..: )
81. Grateful for people who KNOW me and like me anyway! And even appreciate me.
82. Texting. Never thought I'd say it...
83. Love. All love.
84. Kindness All kindness.
85. Children. And that I get to work with them.
86. People who spread cheer.
87. Je, at work.
88. Our new nurse. She's lovely. (And good at her job, of course).
89. That I do manage - somehow - to pay the bills... It's still torturous, feels that way anyway. But i get the minimum done... : ) Grateful for that.
90. That I have an immune system.
91. That I have a salary.
92. That J. called yesterday.
93. The love of every dog with whom I have shared love. From my earliest memories right through now.
94. The beauty of giraffes.
95. My alarm clock.
96. Running water. Really, yes.
97. Berries. And frozen berries.
98. That I have a desk at work.
99. The artist who comes in and works with the kids. So well.
100. Bookcases.

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