Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My 100 GRatitudes Today

I am grateful: 1. that I got my voice back 2. that J helped with it so much and supported me through it 3. that although very unhappy at work today have not actually cried at desk – am getting through 4. that although my knee hurts so much, it will heal. I believe it will heal 5. my finger is almost ALL Healed: ) 6. for my eyesight 7. for my eye drops 8. for this class 9. for my fingertips 10. for my typing 11. for the amount of sanity I have 12. that I am really trying to help the friends in crisis 13. that I can sleep later 14. facebook 15. The great visiting artist thing right now! 16. Martin Luther Kg 17. Thich Nhat Hanh (who was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize BY Martin Luther King. 18. That I am trying to be a peacemaker. In this very untenable situation with the friends. 19. That I have just done the breathing game (mindfulness meditation, but for a couple of minutes), with the kids. 20. This cute lesson about attributing personified sort of characteristics to inanimate objects. 21. I cancelled my eye dr. appointment for today. Because my knee is so bad. I’m glad I cancelled 22. I’m grateful for these ice packs 23. And I’m glad they could re-scheduled me for next week. 24. Vegan foods 25. Whole foods. 26. The smell of veggies and fruits in the produce department of the store where I went for coffee this morning. 27. THAT my house is not a pigsty right now. 28. I will sleep later. I will I will I will I will. 29. Yellow. THE bright, cheerful color yellow. 30. And red. 31. And yellow and red together. I really like that. Like in art, not in clothes. 32. That a kid called me today, “Typing Master!” 33. My Sleep Number bed. 34. Orgasms 35. The ones I’ve shared with someone lately. 36. My dear girlfriend M 37. My dear girlfriend MA 38. My dear girlfriend St 39. Pencils 40. Sheet music 41. I am grateful for daylight. 42. I am grateful for this laptop. 43. And my Nook 44. And my new iPad. 45. And my iPhone 46. And my iPod although I never use it, lol 47. I am grateful for God 48. And diplomats 49. And prayer 50. And meditation 51. And that I’m DOING this work today. 52. For writing 53. For reading 54. And yes even for math 55. For happy fun work for the kids to do 56. That I am nice. I am a generally a good person. 57. That yesterday, K commented on my typing too. 58. Pillows 59. Blanket 60. Bedspread. 61. Sheets 62. Heated mattress pad. 63. Phones 64. That I am being supportive 65. That I can forgive. Others and myself. 66. That I have been putting my foot down about how I am treated. 67. Learning Centers 68. Free Choice 69. Fun Fridays 70. My principal. 71. That I have a car 72. That I have HEALTH! My healthy lungs 73. Healthy heart 74. Healthy blood 75. Healthy bones 76. Healthy muscles 77. Healthy nervous system 78. Healthy brain 79. I can hewar 80. I can taste 81. I can smell 82. That I gave them such a GREAT meditation today! 83. I am grateful for sinks 84. And running water 85. And all the experiences I had in the water with J, swimming… 86. Our glorious honeymoon. 87. My bed 88. My bedroom furniture 89. My washing machine 90. My dryer 91. My dishwasher. And that it works again. 92. My sofas 93. MY wing chair 94. My fireplace 95. My lights. 96. Electricity. 97. My heat 98. My windows 99. My doors. They’re pretty. 100. M’s girls

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