Friday, November 8, 2013

Dr. Stuff Today


So I finally gave in and told A.
He had kept saying, "Say it. Take the power away from it." And after days I finally did. He INSISTED on me taking action TODAY.
I couldn't even think straight!

I made a list and followed it.
wound up at dr's office and
found out
it is not diabetes but pre
that is different thank God
and it IS left carotid artery "thick" but right one around 50% blocked.
and there's that pre-cancerous polyp...

I have a plan and here it is
TOMORROW I start on the DASH diet for weight loss. Period.

TUESDAY I go after work to MRA to see if the 50% is correct (it is more exact test). If like 20 %, we do nothing. If like 70 %, we do a roto rooter type thing (one day procedure). If like 50 % - I can't remember now.

TOMORROW I call for colonoscopy appointment.  I should NOT have to go for physical first as just had one and dr said will clear me for colonoscopy dr.
I will hope for and expect the best and deal with whatever.

In two weeks, I will see me regular dr (the one I saw today).

I will get the mammogram, PAP smear and bone density scans.

This could be much worse.
Am very glad it isn't.
And I'm not in a panic.



  1. Hi there. I know all of this medical stuff can be so overwhelming. But you're right to make a list, take it one thing at a time. I've been thinking so much lately about health. And I've decided that if nothing else, it is important that I control what I can control. So being at a healthy weight, eating the right foods and moving every day are foundational. And I owe it to myself to DO MY PART, because there are many things I cannot control - genetics, etc. So good luck with it all. And it sounds like you're hearing warning shots - pre this, pre that. You're lucky. A lot of people don't hear the warning shots. So respond smartly and quickly. You'll get through it fine. xoxo

  2. Wow. Thank you so much.
    I have missed you so.
    I have suffered so with disabling depression. But not the week before last when was doing stuff from the book The Power.
    Then got distracted this week; didn't keep up with things.
    You are right!
    It is our own responsibility to take care of ourselves.
    Hearing from you has helped me tremendously today!

    I hope you are well - you said you've been thinking so much lately about health.
    Is there anything I can do for you?
    Please feel free to email me!
    And today - just today (wink wink) we will each eat well and move even if it's a walk.
    I love you!

  3. Hi. There is nothing serious with my own health. I have been seeing a rheumatologist for various and assorted things - chronic inflammation and peripheral neuropathy are the main two. And I think it's easy, in my case, to get sucked into this concept of putting a label on it, and doing a million tests, and seeing all of these specialists, when I KNOW there are things I can do to improve my health, to the point in the earlier email. So that's what I'm doing. I am managing my symptoms (especially the neuropathy, which I finally got meds for but was very painful) and moving on. Not sure that makes sense. But that's where I am. So overall I'm good and taking it one day at a time. So let's make today another day where we eat well and move. Love.

  4. Hi Dear One. Oh my I'd forgotten about that email account lynnblog@hotmail. Just went there. Yay. Saw YOU:)

    Yes neuropathy is painful. Upon reaching your second sentence I looked it up - then saw that later you said so.

    I'm so glad you're doing what need. All of it. The rheumatologist, the meds, the eating and moving.

    Thank you so much - it is so wonderful to hear from you. Yes, we shall live THIS day. And we shall both make today another day where we eat well and move.

    Love to you!
