Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Magic Aug 13

Aug 13

2. Remember The magic by counting the blessings of yesterday and writing them down. Ask yourself the question: What are the good things that happened yesterday? Scan the surface of yesterday until you feel satisfied that you’ve remembered and written down all the blessings of the day.

1.      I bought my first ever vegan artichoke__

2.      I did my mother’s shopping
3.      And mine
4.      I felt all better after 2 days of being ill
5.      I cooked!
6.      It was delicious!
7.      I had a killer upper body workout and did it all!__

8.      I loved driving around
9.      Felt better within blocks of being out in car!
10.   Did NOT rush back to tv or computer (A)
11.   Felt – mindful while cooking with no tv or noise on
12.   Liked it
13.   There ha been a mouse in my kitchen I found droppings : (  this has happened maybe 3 times in 30 years. But – I didn’t panic. I cleaned and moved on
14.   At bedtime I felt relieved
15.   Had had a near accident slippery road! But got control of car back
16.   And had been quite nervous when heard the rest about Robin Williams. But said to self: You are on way to buy healthy foods, and you were nervous about near-accident: PROOF that you want to live! I am so grateful for that
17.   I looked pretty in my outfit
18.   And my face looked pretty too
19.   GREAT talk with M

Count your blessings. Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

I am truly blessed to have good books__

Because I enjoy and I learn and they enhance my life.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for integrity
Because I can make my little piece of the world a better place. And I  feel better about myself because of my integrity
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for my organic artichoke
Because artichokes have been my favorite food since age 3 and now I have an organic one!
Will steam it with a crumbled toasted slice of Ezekial and measured oil and lots of garlic powder. Yum!
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for not having that accident yesterday!
Because all stayed safe.
Thank you thank you thank you!                                                                                                                                              

I am truly blessed to have  my exercise program and be doing it every day!
BecauseI am getting stronger and more confident and healthier and littler too!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for friends and library and mall
Because I have things to do.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for trying to be more and more compassionate.
Because I do care and really want to be!
Thank you thank you than you!

With all my heart, thank you for courses and education
Because all help open my mind.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for my job.
Because imagine if I were poverty stricken. I was at one point. I know of what I speak.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for kind people.
Because it spreads. It helps. 
Thank you thank you thank you!

***I am so so so very grateful for the progress I’ve made since February! Because I shower in a clean shower and sleep in a bed and eat real food and exercise and look good almost every day and read for myself and get out virtually every single day and have hope too.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am lucky to have:
My dear birds
Beans and lentils and chickpeas
Brown rice
Organic foods
My exercise mat
Getting along well with J
Parsley and spinach and kale
Straightening up
Organic yam
Organic avocado – these are things I usually don’t eat! : )

1.      Thank you, Strength! Muscles!
2.      Thank you, Ability to Bounce Back!
3.      Thank you, Taste Buds for liking so many good healthy foods!
4.      Thank you, Veganism – ever day I have you!
5.      Thank you, Mind, for thoughts and dreams both
6.      Thank you, Heart, for strength!
7.      Thank you, Blood Pressure, for being healthy!
8.      Thank you, Cholesterol, for being good numbers!
9.      Thank you, Kidneys, for working for me!
10.   Thank you, Blood, for being healthy!
1.      Thank you, J, for handling our finances for all that time.
2.      Thank you, J, for helping me learn to and I do now.
3.      Thank you, J, for the cooking you did all that time.
4.      Thank you, J, for the email you left me at work that day saying, How about Garden Veggie Loaf, and chocolate putting with 24 carat gold for dessert. SO nice!
5.      Thank you, J, for what you went through for my diamond.
6.      Thank you, J, for appreciating my integrity.
7.      Thank you, J, for trying so hard to grow.
8.      Thank you, J, for all those great walks in nature!
9.      Thank you, J, for every laugh! Even recent!
10.   Thank you, J, for inviting me out this very week: )

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