Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Magic Aug 19

August 19
Time to just think of many many things that I am truly grateful for. And list them. Don’t worry about getting them all – cannot – would take a year sitting at computer  : ) And don’t worry about list or numbers r method. Just do it.
Because the truth is, there is a lot

1.      J seeing the gutters are in desperate need and getting me phone number. In time. Thank you!!
2.      I did not overeat no matter what my feelings yesterday and last night. THANK YOU!
3.      I cleaned my house! (couple piles in dr. and l.r. corner and bedroom not done but so nice mostly!) Yay I am happy about this. And it felt so good walking about this morning, and does sittin here now, and did when exercising.... and cooking… : ) Oh, thank you!
4.      I got 15 bags of stuff out! Wowie that’s great. I am very grateful for it!
5.      The house looks and smells good. How wonderful! Am VERY grateful for this!
6.      I have the appointment for the guy to come and do water meter. Yay this is a relief and I am amazingly thankful over it!
7.      I am finally beginning to play Fantasie Impromptu with beautiful understanding and melody! I think I shall play the piece well! Wow I never knew that would EVER happy. And – it points to the fact also, that my actions DO have an impact on my environment! Thank you thank you thank you!
8.      I have life! Wow! What a gift! Thank you so much!
9.      I have breath! For this I am very very truly grateful!
10.   I have health! What a wonderful, miraculous gift!
11.   I have a home. Oh how fortunate I am! Thank you!
12.   I have a job. Yes! Income, good work, interesting work, smiling with children, helping others! LUCKY me!
13.   I have a car. For this I am truly graeful!
14.   I can walk. Oh marvelous thank you than kyou!
15.   I can exercise. I am overwhelmingly happy about this!
16.   I can play piano. What a wonder this is thank you so MUCH!
17.   I am learning French. A bucket list thing for sure! Yaaaaay!
18.   I have friends. And I am so deeply, very grateful for that!
19.   I have birds. My sweet boys. I do SO appreciate the honor of having them!
20.   I have stores. Anything I need or want and more is available to me! Thank you so MUCH!
21.   I have lots of healthy foods. WOW!!!!!!! I am beyond grateful for this!
22.   I have water. TREMENDOUS! Wow am I ever grateful for this!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!
23.   All my physical needs were cared for as a child without me having to do anything for them. Food, clothing, shelter, education, water, hygiene, sleep. Oh thank you thank you thank you, Universe!
24.   I have a shower and bath. Lucky me! Thank you!
25.   I have a toilet. For thousands of years people didn’t even have indoor plumbing! I am so fortunate! Thank you!
26.   I have a kitchen sink. And I now love using it and caring for it! Thank you!
27.   And a bathroom sink. Wonderful! I am truly grateful for this!
28.   A stove. I can cook on it and in it. What fortune! Thank you!
29.   I have gratitudes! Thank you thank you thank you!
30.   I have facebook. And how wonderful!  Appreciate it!
31.   I have email. How wonderful Thank you!
32.   So many conveniences. Wow! I am grateful!
33.   I try to do good for the earth for future people and non-human animals. Yay! Thank you!
34.   A fridge. My food stays well! Thank you thank you thank you!
35.   A microwave. So easy too! Thank you!
36.   A Nutribullet. And it is so very helpful! I am truly amazingly appreciative of my Nutribullet, whomever invented it, whomever manufactures it, whomever sold it to me, and my self for buying it and myself for using it! Thank you thank you thank you!
37.   21 Day Fix. OH it is life-changin! Thank you so MUCH!
38.   Trees. I adore trees. Always did! Thank you, God, for trees!
39.   Time. I am not 109 years old. Chances are, I have more time. And I certainly have THIS second. THANK YOU!
40.   Interests. There really is no reason for me to be ever bored! Thank you!
41.   a brain. And I am ever grateful for it! Thank you!
42.   good hands. I type, play piano, hug, wear jewelry, dress self, cook, eat, drive, teach, write, use SmartBoard and white board, … so much with my hands!
43.   Integrity. I am SO GRATEFUL for being raised in a way to have integrity, and for reaching an age where I made my decision for myself, to have it! Thank you!
44.   Humor. I am grateful for laughter and humor and my ability to enjoy it and to help others to also! Thank you!
45.   Intelligence. A gift of birth. And I am grateful for it!
46.   A little spendable income. I am truly blessed to have some spendable income!
47.   A little savings. I am SO happy and grateful for some savings!!
48.   Hope. With all my heart thank you for hope!
49.   An easy spirituality. Thank you SO MUCH for my ability to pray, to feel spiritual, to fwel changed in second of Reiki or mindfulness meditation or mindfulness walking! Thank you!!!
50.   A piano. I am so inceredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for my piano!
51.   A piano in my classroom/ And THIS – is a true treasure to have! Oh, thank you!
52.   I have fruit and veggies, organic, in the fridge right now. With all my heart thank you for the wonderful organic produce! Thank you!
53.   I have enough clean laundry right now. And I am grateful for it! Thank you!
54.   All but bedroom is clean enough right now. I am truly blessed to have this! 4 hours of work yesterday, to do what I’ve put off for MONTHS. Only 4 little hours. And I CAN keep it up! I CAN and I INTEND to! Thank you thank you thank you!
55.   I have strong feet and legs. And I always have. I am so grateful for my healthy strong feet and legs. Thank you!
56.   I can see! For my eyesight I am truly profoundly grateful! Thank. You.
57.   I can hear. What a wonder! How fortunate this is, this gift of hearing! Thank you!
58.   I can speak. I remember when I couldn’t, for the better part of 8 months. Oh, how I appreciate my ability to speak! Thank you!
59.   I can swallow. I never even have to think about it! Thnak you!
60.   My birds are healthy. I am so so grateful for my birds’ health! Thank you!
61.   I have a nice outdoor mall near me for walking. Yay. And it is safe and clean again. Oh how I missed it! Thank you for it, for its change, and for my attitude about it! Thank you!
62.   And parks and beaches too. Wow how very lucky! Thank you!
63.   It is a safe neighborhood where I live. Huge! Tremendous! Thank you!
64.   I have an exercise mat. And it takes some of the pressure off. Yay!
65.   And 3 lb dumbbelss and 8 lb dumbbells. SO glad bought them. Both. Thank you!
66.   I have homemade cooked chili and pasta/veggie/tofu bake that I made, here right now. Wow, that is fortunate. I am very grateful!
67.   I have libraries nearby. What a gift! Thank you!
68.   I have a French teacher. Yaaaay!
69.   I have a tv. And I use it every single day. I really appreciate my tv. Thank you!
70.   I have a laptop. And I use it a TON. Thank you so much for my laptop.
71.   I have a cell phone. What a convenience and a safety too! Thank you!
72.   I have electricity. This does so MUCH for me! Oh, thank you!
73.   I have a landline phone. Yay! Thank you!
74.   I have a bed. It is broken but I can get it fixed. I am truly blessed to have a bed, and I know it!
75.   I have friends. I am so happy and grateful for friends. Both ways. Them for me and me for them. Thank you!
76.   I have books. And I can always go to them. Thank you!
77.   And eve a book group! How nice! To keep in touch with others, and share ideas and thoughts and feelings. I’m very grateful for my book group. Thank you!
78.   I have someone coming to clean the gutters. WHAT a RELIEF! And he did the roof. I KNOW him to be a good worker and a good price too! THANK YOU!
79.   I am able to think and to work. How fortunate! I can provice for mySELF. I used to think I couldn’t! But I do! And I have for a long time!
80.   I am not in a war. Thank you for this. May I pray for those who are.
81.   I am not in a concentration camp. God bless everyone who ever was, and their children and grandchildren and all ancestors. Thank you for this freedom of mine.
82.   I am not a slave. Through birth, no action of my own, I am not a slave. How lucky. And I appreciate it!
83.   I am not in an iron lung. That in itself gives me opportunities! Thank you!
84.   I am not a quadriplegic. Very grateful for this! Thank you!
85.   I can drive. This opens up whole worlds to me! I remember at like 22 when I was nervous about driving! I think I didn’t get my LICENSE til after COLLEGE! How I appreciate driving!
86.   I have Shakeology. It is filled with nutrients and it gives me extra protein and it gives me energy and I can afford it. Oh, thank you!
87.   I have nice drinking glasses. I bough them with M last fall. 4 short, 4 tall, 4 like parfait things, and 4 wine. Sleek. Modern. Not expensive AND on sale. I am grateful to have them!
88.   They come and take away my garbage. This is a REAL convenience! Thank you!
89.   I had a date with J last night. And we walked, ate, and had fun and laughed. And he first said he’d have the tofu teriyaki. And I said, “That surprises me.” And he said, “Well, for your comfort.” I said, “Oh! Thank you! But no! Go ahead and have beef or whatever you’d like!” And he ordered chicken. It was nice. Thank you!
90.   There is hope there too. There is. THAAAAAAAANK YOOOOOOOOU!
91.   I can appreciate and get joy from little things! Smiles, laughs, walks, hugs, walking on evergreen needles, the smell of grass, going to a movie, a nice ride or drive, a garden, a flower, … … … birdsong, skipping, the sky, vegan sushi like cucumber roll and inari, a course, a book, playing some measures of music, harmony, a 5 dollar book, the list goes on and on. Colors, fractals, art, etc. This is something I really appreciate!
92.   *I * have inspired THREE PEOPLE to do 21 day fix! Wow I am grateful for that!
93.   I have the book, The Magic. OH, how it helps me!
94.   I have my book group. Thank you!
95.   I can embroider. And I can enjoy it! Thank you!
96.   I can knit and crochet (depending on my arms and hands and pain lately). How nice! And I taught little Je to also! How nice!
97.   I can read. Not illiterate. Even teach reading. Wow!
98.   I get to smile with children each day. LUCKY ME!
99.   I can read or go out, call friend, so many choices. Wow!
100. I did not overeat at all last night even though felt sad and even though was up at 3 am thinking I was “hungry.” : ) HUGE! Thank you!
101. Piano can and does change my mood (for the better). Wow I am blessed to have that happen!
102. Greens can and do change my mood (for the better). I am so happy and grateful for that!
103. Reiki – by other or by self or giving to other – can and does change my mood (for the better). With all my heart thank you for Reiki!
104. Walking can and does change my mood (for the better). I am so happy and grateful for walking and what it does for my mood!
105. Exercise can and does change my mood (for the better). I am truly blessed to have found this exercise!
106. Singing to the birds, with millet for them can and does change my mood (for the better). Thank. You!
107. Nature can and does change my mood (for the better). Oh, thank you thank you thank you, Nature!
108. My mother is doing well, relatively. How wonderful. I am so grateful for this. On her behalf AND mine. Thank you!
Wow! I am very lucky and very grateful for all these things!!!!!!!

Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!!!
Thank you thank you thank you!
***Wow - has this change my feelings! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

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