Monday, May 13, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. That I can se
2. For my eyedrops
3. I took care of the birds early this morning as always.
4. They are playing now.
5. And seem so happy.
6. And are healthy.
7. MA will bring my leftovers to class today! Wow!
8. I’m glad also because she will get to see my kids – they’re so great. So many years she has come and read a story to my classes; I didn’t want her to miss out on this crew!
9. Maybe she will even read a story to them…?
10. I THINK I’m grateful that I have not requested to stay in 2nd.
11. Nor to move to 3rd.
12. I THINK there is an advantage to each, so whatever she does with me…
13. If I get to stay in 2nd, MAYBE I’ll work with M again (if she stays too, of course).
14. And I know the curriculum well now
15. The innocence of 2nd graders
16. And I wouldn’t have to move
17. And I have cabinets in my classroom
18. And there is no stupid state testing.
19. If I get moved to 3rd, traditionally it has been my favorite grade.
20. And I’ll likely have a better class than I would next year in second
21. And more of the problems would have already been identified, and kids would be getting services.
22. Moving would be little less bad than some years, as I have to pack anyway this year for camp.
23. By the time the rougher present first-graders get to me, they’ll be a little bit more civilized
24. The beginning of the year is not as hard in 3rd. They are not such babies. Doesn’t take that TYPE of energy from me.
25. It appears I am NOT allergic to the birds
26. The relationship these two birds have with each other
27. That I smartly looked for that. They were the only two in the place that I saw with this relationship already. That made their adjustment easier, AND has been a sure thing for them. Like any other animals, including people, not all birds get along. Some, I hear, even have to be separated permanently. Mine are best friends.
28. That I gave my mother a good day yesterday. Phew.
29. And MA was a big help to us both in it.
30. And although I’ not sure what kind of time SHE had, at least I paid for her meal (MA)
31. My phones
32. My instant coffee. I haven’t felt like MAKING coffee lately. And this does the trick.
33. My beautiful pocket book that M bought for me
34. M on the phone right now – she has called me this morning!
35. That I have a home. I am not homeless
36. Kandinsky
37. My Kandinsky calendar
38. My timer for the eye drops
39. That I can afford Weight Watchers. IF I choose to go.
40. Millet for the birds
41. The lilac yarn J. bought for me and brought here when I was sick a few weeks ago.
42. How he said to me, “I know you…: ) “
43. And that he thought to ask, “Do you need anything else? A needle or anything?” That was so nice.
44. If you’re reading this, you may think it’s fucking insane: but I have a little bit of hope about him. And I need that right now. So…
45. Hope for ME.
46. I slept last night.
47. And had interesting dreams
48. I can practice piano a bit today. And carefully, I think.
49. I should have a lesson this coming Sunday.
50. And that will help too.
51. That I have a dishwasher. That’s huge to me.
52. Positive fb quotes
53. That my mother’s aide bought her an outfit yesterday!
54. And it was beautiful on her!
55. And she liked it so much too and felt so pretty.
56. She even SAID she felt pretty.
57. Thich Nhat Hanh
58. Marianne Williamson
59. I shall meditate WITH the children this morning. They love that.
60. Art program this afternoon
61. Computer after school, but that’s good too.
62. That my allergist appointment was cancelled so I can go to the computer thing this afternoon.
63. I don’t think I need the allergist now anyway.
64. My mother looked well and despite some extra trouble with her legs, felt well yesterday, I think
65. That Ma takes such good care of her!
66. That that abusive aide is gone! Verbally abusive very bad. One time and gone.
67. That so far we’ve been able to pay (her money)
68. That lawyers are working on it.
69. I am not a slave
70. I am not in a concentration camp.
71. I have no bad thoughts/ feelings/ desires like people who want to harm or kill others, or take advantage of children, or do cruel things to non-human animals…. Of course I am more concerned for their victims than for them(!) but it must be an awful ungodly unspeakable curse to want to do such things. Thank God I am not one of those people.
72. I am not in a prison; there ARE people who are innocent who ARE in prison
73. I am not in a war
74. I have not been a direct victim of terrorism.
75. I have plenty of water.
76. I have tea. Tea is good for us
77. And coffee
78. And vegetables.
79. Organic even.
80. I am eating more REAL FOOD.
81. And will continue to do so.
82. Art
83. Colors
84. A lunch break. There have been, and are, people who don’t get a lunch break.
85. That I can think.
86. My mother telling me yesterday that when I started high school, she said to my father, “We’re gonna have to start saving more. Lynn wants to be a teacher. We have to send her to college. And the good teaching college is _____.”
87. That was lovely to hear. And they DID do it. I am so grateful that they paid for my college education.
88. Broccoli
89. Spinach
90. Kale
91. Kale and Arugula even for my birdies.
92. I have never been shot
93. Or stabbed
94. Or raped
95. I have all my limbs.
96. I have hair. (I have a friend with alopiecia. You can live a perfectly good life with it; still I’m grateful to have hair)
97. Garbage pick-up
98. A washing machine in my house.
99. God.
100. That I remembered to pray to him this morning.
101. Baths. I’m about to take one right now.

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