Saturday, May 25, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. That lawyer called back
2. Fro his sake also, that he has healed from his surgery
3. That Deepak Chopra says, “Gratitude opens the door to… the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe. You open the door through gratitude.”
4. Last two eves A and I communicated and it helped me cheer up
5. And L this morning too
6. That I do sleep.
7. My birds have been free for like 3 hours ALREADY today
8. They are happy
9. They are coming near …
10. I think maybe I will find a way
11. I have honestly
12. And a pure heart
13. And lots of compassion
14. I don’t eat animals
15. I have a piano
16. I have freedom
17. And can walk
18. And talk
19. And see
20. And hear
21. And taste
22. And smell
23. I can work on controlling my thoughts
24. I can play piano.
25. And paint
26. And draw
27. And color
28. And sew beautiful neat, even stitches
29. And do embroidery – crewel work
30. And stamped cross-stitich. Painting pictures with my threads
31. Even designing my own.
32. When I was a preteen early teen, I would go into my mother’s sewing box and take threads and a needle. I would get a paper towel or napkin from the kitchen. I would sew flowers and things. I had never heard of such a thing. I just had an urge to do it. I thought it was just something I made up. One day my mother walked into the l.r. where I was sitting on the Duncan Fife (copy – she has designed it herself, picking springs, etc.) sofa, doing this. She said, “What are you doing?” I said, I’m making pictures with thread.” She said, “You know, you can buy things to do that on.” I was like, “Really?” She smiled, “Yes. It’s called embroidery.” I was shocked. She saw my face and said, “Do you want to go and I’ll buy you some right now?” I was like, “Yes!” She drove me immediately to Wannamaker’s. I picked a kit. Off-white linen. Flosses. Needle. Flower-pattern. Instructions for how to make all these different stitches. I was so happy! I loved doing it!
33. I STILL HAVE THAT! I cherish it. Should hang it. Really.
34. Will!
35. Will fame it too! Yes! This idea – this memory AND this idea – bring me happiness.
36. I am creative.
37. PS Later found out my grandmother and aunt used to embroider all the time when they were young!
38. All the pillowcases I’ve embroidered
39. And the Cosmetic cases I’ve needlepointed and given as gifts
40. And the eyeglass cases too. THEY were GORGEOUS!
41. Summer just flew throught the house! I quickly closed the two doors – one to kitchen and one to sunroom
42. He had fun. And has come back to den.
43. Where I am attempting to lure them over the activity center with fresh raw organic greens that they love
44. That I HAVE fresh organic greens
45. That they were cage-door-open from 6:30 am til 12:30 pm!
46. And den door open to house while I practiced piano.
47. And one or both flew out
48. But they went back into cage and sort of stayed in back, so I figured that they want the safety. So I closed the door
49. They are singing and playing and eating now
50. I am glad I am sensitive to them. My boys.
51. I was raised Catholic. I am a Buddhist now, since 2005, but NOT as a religion. As a way of life – philosophy – well I try anyway. And I am a member of the Community of Interbeing (Thich Nhat Hanh’s)
52. My name they gave me is, “True Compassion of the Heart.”
53. And I am – INFORMALLY – studying Judaism now. It is very interesting. I couldn’t convert, of course, on account of the whole Jesus thing lol.
54. (You CAN be a Buddhist and any other religion like Jewish etc.)
55. The Golden Girls. I still like those repeats. I don’t know – they just make me feel good.
56. That I can walk outside
57. And drive
58. That I have heat
59. And a house
60. Electricity
61. Activity center for birds
62. I played the chopin just about perfectly today. I mean, it felt and sounded perfect to me! Wow!
63. Dreams
64. Every vacation I’ve had
65. Colors
66. Rainbows
67. The sky
68. Hope
69. Tweets. I mean real ones, rom live birds lol. Not twitter, which I’ve never used.
70. Laughs. Like this one.
71. Buddha
72. What I’m learning about Shabbat
73. And Sabbath
74. With is like Christian Sundays were when I was growing up
75. And like Buddhist lazy day
76. Prayer before meals
77. Especially this one:” This food is the gift of the whole universe, the earth, the sky and much hard work. May we live in a way that makes us worthy to receive it. May we transform our unskillful states of mind, especially our greed. May we take only foods that nourish us and prevent illness. We accept this food so that we may realize the path of practice. “Thich Nhat Hanh
78. And this Buddhist table grace too: May we be well, happy, and at peace. May we be free from pain, hunger, and suffering. May all beings be well, happy, and at peace. May they be free from pain, hunger, and suffering. (Traditional Buddhist blessing)
79. And the 5 contemplations: THE FIVE CONTEMPLATIONS 1. I contemplate how many blessings I have accumulated in order to receive this food given by others. 2. I contemplate my own daily practice (of generosity, ethics, kindness, patience, gentle awareness, healthful choices, joyous effort, and compassion), constantly trying to improve it. 3. I contemplate my mind, cautiously guarding it from wrongdoing, greed, and other spiritual and emotional defilements. 4. I contemplate this food, treating it as wondrous medicine to nourish my body. 5. I contemplate the aim of spiritual, mental, and emotional evolution, accepting and consuming this food in order to accomplish it.
80. And this, by Nicolas Walter ,whoever that is lol. Let us think thrice while we are gathering here for this meal. First, let us think of the people we are with today, and make the most of the pleasure of sharing food and drink together. Then, let us think of the people who made the food and drink and brought it to us, who serve us and wait on us, and who clear up and clean up after us. Finally, let us think of all the people all over the world, members with us in the human family, who will not have a meal today. (Nicolas Walter)
81. Humor
82. Friendship
83. Cool weather these days
84. Hair
85. Beautiful feminine pics I find online
86. Some in googling earth goddess
87. Some on fb
88. Some in art pages
89. How good ji used to be to me (I’m not talking about j, but about ji)
90. Two and a Half Men repeats. I know. I’m such a spiritual person, how could I like that trash. I know. But it makes me feel good. Not the plots. Not the raunch. I think it’s the house, and the actual videotaping and sound. Really. Physiological. (Some of the episodes I admit I cannot sit through)
91. Orgasms. REallly. I have had many great ones and I’m grateful for them
92. And for the ones I’ve caused too. Like for J.
93. Art
94. Music
95. Instruments
96. Nature
97. Tribes
98. Women
99. Strength. All strength.
100. A and what he has given to me.

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