Sunday, May 19, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. Women Who Run with the Wolves title from fb friend
2. That I actually got it today
3. Just cleaned the bird’s cage, the big weekly or bi-wweekly cleaning
4. And fresh new food
5. And pellets
6. And greens
7. And water
8. And toys. Switched out all four
9. Within minutes they were already playing with one. Well one of them was. Jewel, I think
10. And one is their favorite, back again.
11. And they are eating greens ff=right now
12. Had nice flight time this am
13. Their cage, so neat, encourages me to keep MY space so nice also!
14. The colorful toys (and bright white cuttle bone, and light perches) against the black cage are cheery for ME to look at even.
15. Jewel just checked out another toy.
16. And is now swinging.
17. There is still room for them to fly in there. Good. I make sure of that.
18. MA
19. I saw her today
20. And her niece from CA
21. We had a nice lunch
22. And a 3 ½ hour visit time together
23. And laughed and shared
24. And she is 3 months older than I, and what a WONDERFUL inspiration! Of health and vitality and fitness. Moreso recently than ever.
25. My eyesight. I’m afraid I will need that cataract surgery oon. But I am glad I an see.
26. And that surgery should work out anyway…
27. Organic greens I bought on way home for me
28. And for the birds to share too, of course.
29. Non GMO soy yogurts I bought for me
30. And 2 Gardein things
31. And 2 “cold cuts” non GMO
32. And non GMO vegan raviolis
33. And organic coconut milk for my coffee
34. I forgot toilet tissue but I have a roll
35. I have napkins
36. I have one Sunday newspaper. I can read as much of it as I like,
37. And it gives me enough paper fo the cage for like 5 weeks!
38. I had trouble practicing piano this morning, due to the acting up that sometimes occurs from that old neck injury. BUT – I still did it.
39. And – it got better
40. I made the HEALTHY choices today. EMOTIONALLY healthy.
41. Like, GOING to the lunch.
42. And the bird store
43. And the food store
44. And when I ordered whole grain pasta with garlic and oil and broccoli and basil and parsley, it came without the broccoli. Believe me, I would like the taste even better that way! BUT – I had them BRING the broccoli – steamed with no butter of course, on the side. And put it all in and ate it all. For my EMOTIONAL HEALTH today. Greens and/or cruciferous vegetables are important!
45. The birds are not on that first toy I bought them the day I took them home. Their favorite. And by far the most expensive lol
46. That I parked much further and walked
47. And bought the book and 3 magazines at the book store and health food store today. Thrilled that did
48. And thrilled that can.
49. All healthy ones, too.
50. I shall exercise again tomorrow.
51. And pay my mother’s bills
52. I am ok. I am ivnancially ok.
53. I WILL make those hard phone calls to get the stuff done. Oh boy.
54. And I WILL get past this.
55. I am physically ok.
56. I am even emotionally ok.
57. I will have a little greens tonight; that’s all.
58. And maybe a few sips of red wine too : )
59. My feet. Strong good feet.
60. And even pretty too.
61. My fb friends
62. My fb “Liked” pages
63. That I found out how to KEEP GETTING the posts from them even after fb’s change to “reduce clutter.” (What you do is simply visit the “Liked” page(s) and click the "gear" symbol (right from the “Message” sign at the top). From the drop-down menu, select "Add to Interest Lists."
Facebook also rewards fan interaction, so like, comment and share their pages’ posts for optimum mutual results.
64. Nature
65. “My” trees
66. flowers
67. That the men finally DID move the clutter-plastic furniture aside. (In the back though not the front – oy)
68. My checks came. Phew.
69. I got the non-decorated ones. Hey, why pay?
70. Golden Girls reruns. I love them.
71. And I’m embarrassed to say, but Two and a Half Men too. Because of the house
72. And King of Queens a bit
73. And Roseanne
74. And Hot in Cleveland
75. That at least in the middle of the night, I’ve been making my way from the den couch back to the bed these nights. That’s good.
76. My healthy sweet happy bird companions
77. Laughter
78. Irl friends
79. YOU
80. Safe rides today
81. Will get that headlight fixed tomorrow
82. My pretty hair.
83. How many trees are still in my area
84. And even more where I work
85. This calss of students. I love them so much! They are incredible. And LOVE learning! Wow. What a treat
86. Summer is playing with two toys right now! Summer LOVES athletics
87. Nice communications with A today
88. And phone conversation with L
89. And I was there for M, who needed me this morning.
90. I am smiling right now. I am so grateful for that.
91. “IN THE MOMENT,” I AM REALLY always okay.
92. Will meditate a little tonight and a little 2 x tomorrow. That is pleasant to do AND helps to remember to BE in the moment! To live. To exist.
93. Thich Nhat Hanh “Life is only available in the present moment.”
94. That I got to be on 4 retreats with him.
95. And the last, was in LondonAnd without J.
96. And was wonderful
97. And I had my standard meltdown
98. But got through it
100. And used TNH’s “Oh, hello, fear. I recognize you. I will take good care of you….” when I got frightened like 7 stories below ground. And the fear didn’t even last a minute! Maybe like 20 – 30 seconds!
Thank you, God. For all.

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