Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful

1. Good meeting yesterday
2. Birds happy this morning
3. They love their new (re-using first) toy
4. M’s friendship
5. That I was really there for her – so much – last night
6. New day = new hope
7. The meditating yesterday morning
8. And the meditating with the kids
9. Enough money to live
10. People who pray for others, like right now, for those in Oklahoma. Their losses of loved ones, of homes, of a feeling of security…
11. People who are doing all can to help our planet sustain us
12. Friendships
13. Not being all alone all the time. Being all alone all the time must be truly devastating to the human spirit
14. That my mother isn’t either. Thank God.
15. I am grateful that I have reason to believe, as much as anyone, that I probably have a good number more years
16. And things can change
17. And IN THE MOMENT I am fine.
18. Mindfulness and my introduction to it
19. The gratitude practice and my introduction to it
20. Garbage collection
21. My dr. comes vaxk tomorrow
22. It should not be raining when we go out to the garden today.
23. Indoor plumbing
24. Massage. I haven’t had in ages, but I am grateful for massage
25. Reiki
26. K
27. Car
28. Home
29. Fireplace
30. a/c
31. water from kitchen faucet
32. and bathroom sink
33. and basement laundry area
34. and tub
35. and toilet
36. electricity. It was depressing here last oct. superstorm sandy without it! I am grateful for electricity
37. Uh oh now it is Wednesday. I am grateful that my dr comes today
38. And for the beginning of the book, Women Who Run with Wolves, which I’ve just started reading
39. Hope.
40. Prayer, which helped me this morning. I have had scared-stomach for days and days now. But this morning prayer helped
41. And meditation helped 3 x this week too
42. Doves
43. That the union meeting yesterday was fine.
44. That our president of the union is so ethical
45. Every day that j doesn’t yet divorce me. Lots of reasons
46. My ability to walk
47. Our district budget didn’t pass. This is a kind of a big deal. And a first. The gratitude is that I am not nervous about it. I have a feeling inside of, “It is what it is. I will deal – I will cope.” Wow. That’s bigfor me
48. M. anxious this morning. I gave her time
49. Today promises to not be as bad as yesterday. For me. Inside and out. Emotionally and conditions.
50. I am grateful for a bathtub
51. And Shower
52. Coffee in my cup
53. That I have a cup
54. And water
55. That I can see
56. That I have glasses
57. And eye drops
58. That my drugstore even delivers
59. That I just sent a nice supportive note to our union president
60. That I see teaching as BIGGER THAN whether some of the people where I work are so fucking selfish and ignorant. Their yearly bonuses are more than 10 times my yearly salary, but they resent what we make. This goes on and on. Private jets, etc. BUT – we have climate ISSUES and WARS and RELIGIOUS KILLING etc etc etc. We need to educate innocent children to lead lives of happiness and service. This is BIGGER than the crap. And I’m glad I know it
61. So I shall be able to smile and maintain my professionalism today.
62. And my saying that helped M too. She found it refreshing
63. And told me so
64. I am becoming more able to BE – MYSELF
65. That I can type
66. This blog
67. Facebook
68. I have never been shot
69. My birds are thriving
70. And they get out of the cage (I mean I LET them out, lol)
71. And they stand on my hands and arm too
72. Music
73. Art
74. L’s help, sharing with me about his TWENTY YEAR depression! And what helped him cope…
75. Buddha’s wonderful words. So many
76. Thich Nhat Hanh and the way he passes it along
77. The peace in his presence
78. Looking him in the eye and him looking me in mine, so close, sitting in that park in London last year. Closest to him.
79. Closest to him walking too
80. And then that I switched! To give others a chance to be closest. I am grateful to MYSLEF that I did THAT, too!
81. That I can afford gas for my car
82. Hope that the dr. will help me today. I haven’t seen him in s o long
83. That I have never committed a crime. Well, as a teen I stole but not in my ault life
84. And – that I got caught while stealing. That changed that for me!
85. Sometimes seeing my cousin K’s name as on fb
86. That I can speak
87. And hear
88. And drive
89. And work
90. And HAVE a job
91. That I play piano
92. That some kids were SO wonderful when I played a piece for them yesterday. “Who WROTE that?!” “I have never heard ANYTHING so good in my LIFE!” Etc. : )
93. Innocence
94. And innocents
95. That I acknowledge that part of myself. Someone WILL appreciate it about it…. I am that person. I am NOT cool. And it is okay.
96. My hair
97. Soap. Really
98. And hand soap for sink too. Bought two yesterday and am grateful for that.
99. Fans in classroom (little windows, no cross- air, of course no a/c. Fans help )
100. My aide set them up for me yesterday.
101. Her.

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