Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. Breath
2. 1%. Who am I to complain about a thing? I am in the most fortunate 1% on the planet. No, I am not rich by any means. But I have
3. enough food
4. and medicine and shelter and a car
5. and some years enough clothes and shoes for work (I mean that very modestly – not a lot and not expensive)
6. and most years a coat
7. and gas for my car an heat for most of my house
8. and I get m hair cut
9. and colored
10. I am free
11. I have my birds
12. And a piano. That’s a luxury!
13. I can walk
14. And bend
15. And reach
16. I am told I have a pretty smile
17. Not in a war
18. Or a concentration camp
19. Or slavery
20. I am able to get through the days
21. I can exercise
22. Not victim of violent crime
23. Food for the birds
24. Veggies for me
25. And fruits
26. Water
27. Sofa
28. The foot bath thing I have
29. The 3 lb weights
30. Bubble bath
31. Soap
32. Shampoo and conditioner
33. Perfume
34. Fingernails. Really
35. Toenails. Really
36. Spent a little bit, frivolously, yesterday
37. I have mascara. This is NOT a necessity
38. I have lipstick. This is NOT a necessity
39. I have that face thing
40. And cream
41. That I don’t need to use often even because I have good young looking skin
42. I can see. Wow
43. I can see the flowers
44. And grasses
45. And trees
46. And sky
47. And children
48. And squirrels
49. And my birds
50. I can see my friends’ faces as we speak
51. This________
52. All I can do today, is what I can do today. AND THAT IS ENOUGH. It is ENOUGH.
53. Rocks
54. I have my health.
55. For today. AND I can do things to protect it, too
56. Dancing
57. This: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/luminita-daniela-saviuc/happiness-challenge_b_2573964.html
58. Facebook in the mornings.
59. The beautiful nature
60. and inspirational posts I get
61. And the art
62. And even some funny ones
63. And seeing friends there
This: Marianne Williamson
The only way to endure the insanity of the world is to become truly, deeply sane.
64. Mindfulness Meditation
65. This _____
66. Bananas
67. Grapes
68. Organic foods
69. L’s help about depression
70. Lambs
71. That I don’t eat animals
72. That I am compassionate
73. Everyone who is compassionate
74. The computer programs and skills my kids are learning
75. Phone
76. Answering machines
77. Reading
78. Books
79. My time with O yesterday
80. The 20 things about how my life is good, that A told me last night
81. “Abide”
82. Dudism. Really.
83. This _____
84. My mother’s love
85. I slept in the bed, not on the den sofa, last night
86. I do sleep
87. I have interesting dreams
88. I awakened before the alarm this morning
89. Playing piano. Something about the engagement of the mind and body together at once.
90. The baseball games I went to with J
91. How we would walk and talk for hours
92. The love he had for me. Yes, I am very grateful for it.
93. Hope
94. New beginnings
95. THIS was a cool find this morning! Because I remember VIVIDLY when I DID worry about this. And now, I don’t! So things DO change. That is PROOF! Yay.
96. This ____
97. Birds. Outside
98. Our colorful, beautiful world
99. Cool weather today
100. This _____

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