Sunday, May 26, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful!

1. I woke up from that icky dream.
2. I am here and now.
3. A. said that I was his best friend.
4. That meant so much to me.
5. He tells me things he has never told anyone else.
6. It will only be friendship, ever. I am so happy for the friendship.
7. Flowers
8. These ________
9. So many of our dreams at first seems impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable. ~Christopher Reeve ___________
10. This _______
11. This ____
12. Facebook page Painting the World
13. Friendships
14. Tomorrow is day off
15. And I DO remember why. All those. All those.
16. Art
17. Modern art
18. MA calling yesterday
19. And M
20. Facebook page Believe
21. Health. Everything would change if (will change when) don’t have health. So lucky not worried about that today
22. ***April 23 of this year. When I decided I want to live. Realized how MUCH I want to live.
23. I have never been in a war
24. My father was in WWII and lived through it.
25. As did all my uncles.
26. Reiki
27. How fortunate I am just in terms of Reiki. I have a friend who is a Reiki master of the absolute highest integrity.
28. J found her for me when I couldn’t speak for the better part of 8 months.
29. She has given me Reiki.
30. A number of times
31. And whole-body-dimensional massage or whatever it’s called. More than massage. Spiritual…
32. And initiated me into Reiki Level I
33. And, as she was about to move away, including J. too. For less than half the price of one person, both of us
34. It took 9 hours. So good
35. And then years later, she initiated us both into Reiki Level II
36. That took 2 days (with meals and sleep of course)
37. We stayed overnight at the house where she was living. A small mansion. About a block from the ocean. **She does NOT have money. It belonged to someone else and she was caring for it for a few months.
38. And we spent a bit of time at the beach too.
39. And I can give Reiki to others.
40. For money even.
41. But I have never charged. I give it out of love. I am so happy about that.
42. And I have given Reiki to my lilac tree
43. And other plants in the ground
44. And rings
45. And a poor just dead animal in the woods
46. And myself. She always reminds me of the importance of THAT!
47. And I have given Reiki to L
48. More than once
49. And to A online
50. And to victims of a disaster long-range
51. My sunroom. I finally have it.
52. Heat will be put in. **I didn’t build it! Don’t have the money. It was there but unusable. It is finally usable. After decades. Has been for a couple of years now. Now just needs heat.
53. This_____If the stars should appear but one night every thousand years how we would marvel and stare. --Ralph Waldo Emerson
54. And this_______
55. Fb page Beyond the Veil Where the Angels Ascend
56. Poetry
57. A lighter heart than I used to have
58. Gorillas
59. The movie Gorillas in the Mist
60. Koko. And that wonderful book, “Koko’s Kitten.”
61. That my kiddies have loved Winnie the Pooh so much.
62. And Koko’s Kitten
63. The book The Secret Garden
64. Pellets organic – for the birds
65. And seed
66. And fresh baby organic greens for them too
67. Coffee for me
68. And fresh baby organic greens for ME too! Lol
69. Water. Always grateful for water
70. The beautiful markings on my birds’ backs, between their wings. Summer’s, like a purplish blue between white wings. Jewel’s a unique beautiful green between wings with a lot of yellow.
71. I played AND practiced piano SO MUCH yesterday.
72. And some of it was well-done! Really!
73. IMing
74. Phones
75. Woods
76. Sand
77. Potting soil
78. Indoor house plants
79. Plants that are safe for parakeets
80. Grapes for them to try today
81. I felt like a full being last night for a while. Even though my feelings were hurt but something. That is good
82. I am able to turn things around unusually well. Everybody says it. Sees it. Knows it.
83. Health
84. Fitness
85. Strength
86. Mood. Although takes longer and more work lately
87. My good book, “Women Who Run with the Wolves.” Reading it VERY slowly. Liking it so far.
88. Flight.
89. Flight for my birdies
90. Lamps
91. Electricity
92. Heat
93. Wood floors
94. Colorful things
95. That I have been to the Tate Museum
96. Native American poetry.
97. The partial camping trip J and I took. It was fun.
98. The time Ji and I went to go camping, but went to the Hilton instead! Funny. In our twenties…
99. The park so near my house.
100. My friend has been waiting weeks for her special present to arrive at my house. The surprise. I just found out! I have had it all along!!!!!!! I thought I'd ordered it! It is a book. I thought I'd ordered it used. It has been hers for 20 years! What a treasure. And what a happy surprise.

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