Monday, April 7, 2014

The Book The Magic

"If you practice gratitude a little, your life will change a little. If you practice gratitude a lot every day, your life will change dramatically and in ways that you can hardly imagine."

The Magic – Daily Practice

Day 1

I am truly blessed to have my eyesight,
because with it I am able to watch my happy birds fly and kiss and eat and swim and play and walk and flap their pretty wings.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for this new opportunity with John,
because we will have many magical moments together forever.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for water,
because I am able to drink clean water and stay healthy. I am able to swim in the ocean, the sound, the bay, rivers, and pools. I am able to wash my home, my clothing, my dishes, and my foods. I am able to provide water for the birds. I am able to make teas of many kinds, and to put lemon in. I am able to make coffee and healthy-ingredient coffee-like drinks. I am able to survive. I am able to dance in the rain. I am able to experience all the plants and animals (including humans) that live, grow, and thrive due to water!
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart thank you for my mother and her miracle too,
because it is so amazingly wonderful to have someone who has loved me unconditionally for all my life and still does. And because her miracle saved her life for more happiness for her and others including me. And because I realize sitting here now, that my mother’s miracle was PROOF of the power of my own prayer and belief and body connections. Wow!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly blessed to have trees all around me here at home, at parks, on streets, in woods’, at school, everywhere,
because they give me oxygen which I need and it is a symbiotic relationship as I give them carbon dioxide which they need – what a miracle of nature I am part of!  And because there are so many types. And they provide homes for the birds and insects and squirrels. And fruits and tree nuts for all of us. And they make me happy to just look at them. And I love to lie down on the earth and look up at the sky through their leaves. And I love their beauty in all 4 seasons: the deciduous and the coniferous. They sprout buds of beauty and flowers of color, charm and grace and heavenly scent. The light bright green on the new growth. The various colors of the bark. The textures. Trees are inspirational. Pine cones. Twirly birds. Horse chestnuts. Acorns. Sweetgum. All of it. I have had lovely kisses under trees. And the miracle of tulip trees! Oh my gosh! And I have gotten to lie in pine forests. And J. has gotten to see the giant sequoias. And I have lain under lilac trees in bloom wow! And I have hugged trees. And I have walked on their precious roots. And trees provide shade for me. And rootedness. And one of Thich Nhat Hanh’s nuns told me in London to go sit at the base of tree and let go my troubles into Mother Earth and she would not suffer but would transform them into spring. And branches blow in the breeze which cause a cool stirring and a joy too. I love trees!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for my ability to walk,
because walking gets me places. Walking makes me feel emotionally good. Walking is good for my circulation and my heart and my lungs and my weight and my muscles and my strength. Walking gets me out and among people. I am also able to walk about the house and do things. Walk to windows, sinks, toilet, fridge. Walking makes it easier for me to shop for food and clothes and to work, to travel and to see friends. Walking is a miracle in itself and I am so grateful to have it!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for the oceans,
because they make up the same percentage of the earth that water makes up of my body. I really am an intrinsic part of it all. As it is, of me. We are one. And because they have the same percentage of salt as does my blood. And because I have swam in the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. And because I have seen and walked into the Pacific Ocean. And because they are so beautiful. And because we naturally feel good just even looking at them. And because I have been on a cruise on the ocean. And because they provide home and food for so many mammals and fish and coral and plants. And because I have eaten seaweed from the beautiful oceans. Oh, thank you for the oceans!
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart thank you for birdsong,
because it wakes me from outside during this season, before and rather than an alarm clock. Because I am attuned to it and it is music to my ears. Because I even have it in my house now. Because there are so many different types of it. Because ~all~ of nature responds to the miraculous songs and chirps and tweets and sounds of the birds. And because it enables these magical creatures to communicate with each other. And even with me : )
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for my immune system,
because it gentles away invaders and keeps me healthy and able to enjoy this precious gift of life. My immune system repairs so well and responds beautifully to foods and supplements and even medicines. Thank you, God, for my immune system!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for my ability to read,
because I have access to this book and to other helpful books. And to Vegetarian Times magazine. And to French. And to book reviews and movie reviews and health info online. I have access to biographies. And fiction books. And I get to teach others reading. And it gives me access to thoughts across the centuries. To some of the greatest thinkers. To the shared experience of so many many people reading the same things as I. To the music of poetry and the soul of intent. To the whimsy and feelings and colors of the imaginations of others.  To bibles and philosophies and Shakespeare and Jung. To lyrics and explanations of how to do things. To humor. To an enjoyable evening just reading for the fun of it. To so much!
Thank you thank you thank you!

Thank you thank you thank you!
adding from The Secret, which I'd kind of read through but never practiced, "Decide right now that you are going to think only good thoughts. At the same time, proclaim to the universe that all your good thoughts are powerful, and that any negative thoughts are weak." 

Ok - So - I decide right now that I am going to think only good thoughts. At the same time, I proclaim to the universe that all my good thoughts are powerful, and that any negative thoughts are weak!"

And from the Secret: I am the master of my thoughts. I am the master of my thoughts. I am the master of my thoughts!

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