Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Magic Day 10

Day 10

I am truly blessed to have this time off,
because I can get my house in order. And thereby, more of my life!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for the time and friendship I’ve had and am having with my mother,
because  there were times when I thought we never would. And I have been good for her. And I have received unconditional love from her. And we’ve even enjoyed times together. Hours and hours and hours. I am so happy and grateful for this!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for my “magic rock.,”
because I hold it in my hand at night and think of the wonderful things of the day. Then I pick my favorite and I say thank you. And I FEEL like magic. It is a beautiful practice and I’m so happy to have it!
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for people who work on making peace,
because we all need it. These people are making huge changes in our world.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly blessed to have animal sanctuaries in our world,
because innocent animals are saved and cared for!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for my laptop,
because I get to read books on it. I see positive fb posts on it. I connect with people via email on it. I do jigsaw puzzles online on it. I do my blog on it. I do gratitudes on it. I watch dvds on it while cleaning (cause only one tv and so when cleaning in other rooms…) I am very lucky to have my laptop!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for my skin,
because it is the largest organ and mine is healthy. And it is even and pretty too! What an extra luxury to have nice skin!
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for the people who do all the jobs, all of them,
because medicines are given, streets are cleaned, people are taught, food is grown, etc etc etc. I am really grateful for all people who do all honest jobs! And I will reread today’s chapter to keep even more in mind of all the specifics and specific people.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for moments of meditation once and minutes a second time yesterday!
Because I haven’t “been able” to mediate alone at home and it is getting me back into it! Mindfulness is the most important thing imo because as Thich Nhat Hanh says, “Life is only available in the present moment.”
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for my birds spending so much of their time free, ON the cage,
because they get to fly AND I don’t have poop all over the house to clean!
Thank you thank you thank you!

And because I think that last one might have been a repeat, here is another:
I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for opportunities,
because I always have them! Opportunites for work. Opportunities to be even better at work. Oportunities for friendships. Opportunities for health. Opportunities for weight-loss. Opportunities for looking good daily. Opportunities for music. And for the music of French. And for learning. And for teaching. And for love. And for walking. And for nature. And for J even. And for new ideas. And for new adventures. And for peace. And for more and more self-esteem. For another breath. Thank you oh thank you I am SO grateful!
Thank you thank you thank you!

Thank you thank you thank you!

Extra Gratitudes That Are Coming Up throughout the Day

That the aide WILL be able to make it to my mother’s and on time, on Easter – she hadn’t been sure because of the holiday. I am so grateful for this. I am so thankful to and for the aides!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am finally cleaning. The kitchen is good. Am in d.r. now and in corner were some special gifts and even crystals I bought for self and have never removed from bag or never even opened. Oh the many sigs of relief and belief and deep relaxation I am getting.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I just stopped and meditated. Ok. It turns out it was only for like a minute or two. But I am SO glad. SO happy and lucky for this practice and SO fortunate that I have done it alone for TWO days now! Wow! Thank you thank you thank you!

For the feeling those crystals just gave me and it is still lasting as fully and strongly almost 3 full minutes later. Wow.!
Thank you thank you thank you!

1. And I sprinkle magic dust on these ten people who perform services:
Custodians at school. Because of them my furniture gets puts in place every August, and if a kid throws up it gets cleaned, and the room gets vacuumed each day. And it is nice saying hello to them. May they have fulfillment!

2. Garbage men. I still am so grateful for the people who take my garbage and recycling away! May they have magical happiness!

3. Supermarket checkout people at my supermarket. I sprinkle magic dust on them right now, and especially for packing. May they find reward in what they do and beyond.

4. People who will be cleaning my home. I sprinkle magic dust on them that they go home kowing they’ve done a good job and feeling great about themselves.

5. people who used to clean my home. I sprinkle magic dust on them in thanks; may they be enjoying health and smiles this very day!

6. People who have read my x-rays and MRI’s and MRA’s and blood work. Without them we would not be where we are. I sprinkle magic dust on them for their whole lives, in thanks for the jobs that they do.

7. People who teach typing skills. Including the woman who taught me, in high school. I sprinkle magic dust on her for the impact she’s had on my life. May she and her family be rewarded!

8. My 1st, 2nd, and 3rd piano teachers. I sprinkle magic dust on Miss U, Mrs B, and O. for sharing the gift of music with me. For their understanding of music and of me. And I wish the best for eternity for those no longer here and the best for life (and eternity) for O.

9. Doctors who have helped me. I sprinkle magic dust on Dr. S and Dr F and Dr So and Dr Y. and every doctor who has helped me. Including also Dr. T.  May they all KNOW that they are healers! And Dr A for all her extras too!

10. I sprinkle magic dust on writers Ie enjoyed and thie families in case of those deceased. A.A. Milne, Beverly Cleary, Barbara Dana, Penny Paterson, Francis Hodgkins Burnett, Phillippa Gregory, Phyllis McGinley, and each and every one of them, Dr Sues and each. May the happiness and inspiration, laughter and joy of their words be sent back to them and theirs a million times over!

Thank you thank you thank you!

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