Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Magic Day 17

Day 17

I am truly blessed to have the possibility that my mother will leave a few dollars to me,
Because I, like most of us, can use it. But whether she can or not, I am grateful that she scrimped and saved to try to. Because of the love, because of the potential, and because that is positive money energy being put into the Universe for me!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for her trust in me,
because I do do the right thing, and it is nice to be appreciated and known for that!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for the money that came to me for this little house,
because a bit was a gift about 30 years ago and all the majority of it I earned. And I have a home!
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for the money I earn that provides food to me and to my birds,
because it is such a gift to not ever have to worry about food!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly blessed to have had such joy yesterday, a day which in advance did cause me a little anxiety but I did not let it get out of hand!
Because I wound up in a state of joy! I wanted to come and write the details of the joy in my blog but it was late when I got home and I was very tired and MA called and needed to talk. I do remember some of them. I am grateful that the day ended with joy and my magic rock practice as always now.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for the great visit I had with my mother and her aide M,
because all three of us liked it so much. And I DID find the time for it!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for the love in my life,
because I realized as I was falling asleep, that I had the love of my mother, MA, J, and M. And it felt SO good.
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for my making the African Sweet Potato Peanut Stew yesterday,
Because I never have. J has but I have not. And I’ve never really loved it although I could eat it. But it is like his favorite. So I was going to make it for him. But I don’t know why but this dish felt overwhelming to me. Making own p.b. (long story), ...he whole thing. And I was putting it off. And then I said to myself, and this is important because this part was not about him but about me: “I am not going to be beaten by a pot of stew!” And I just made it.
Of course, I didn’t have one ingredient I thought I had. Uh oh. But I went online and found substitute!
And I didn’t have another, made up own substitute, but later realized I DID have it lol.
But other than rushing and timing and a minor thumb injury, I enjoyed making it! And it smelled so good! And I’m bringing some for lunch today!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for bringing 3 servings to J while still warm and he actually called back after eating it, so grateful,
because I do care about him and he is under a lot of stress - a lot - and I know he’s not eating nutrients a lot of the time. And because I like our time together and I like having him in my life.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for little doggie!,
because I got to see and play with her a little, as J was home and came outside with her! I had such a nice little visit with both of them! Yay!
Thank you thank you thank you!

And then – and this is huge: I felt, watching a little tv before sleep, I felt this! “I like my life the way it is now. I don’t know if I would “forever” but I am not thinking ahead I am liveing now. And now, I like living alone but seeing J. I like that I can unwind and do things y own way and not be “forced” (by self of course) into more “normalcy” like family dinners…. Can lie on couch and watch tv, can sleep as long as I like, spend what I like, eat what I like. Of course can if together also, but have put own paridgim expectation restrictions on self in past, and so like this right now. Have nice job, enough money, good food, birds, friends, mother, even a bit of J, French, piano, needlecrafts. Have so much! Weather is beautiful and I can walk…
Thank you thank you thank you!
Thank you thank you thank you that I finally like my life!

Thank you thank you thank you!
And I will do the other part today too, although not here:)

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