Saturday, May 31, 2014

Great Memory As I'm Working

quick break - maybe 12 minutes -
great memory!
of the YEARS when I worked MORE (a job PLUS a part-time job too!) and still did everything every week.
It was a non-negotiable.
I didn't even THINK of not doing.
It just WAS.

In fact, I can remember my schedule!

Laundry was Thursdays after work for linens, and Friday after work for clothes.
House cleaning was Fridays after work. Took 2 1/2 - 3 hours, depending on how tired I was and how quickly I was moving.
I do not remember when I grocery shopping, but probably Sat am?

And everything I used, I just put in its place that's all!

Every evening prepared a little dinner and ate it. No big deal! Brought sandwich or salad or leftovers to work each day for lunch.

And that was GOOD.
I started each weekend with clean house and laundry and ready for date Sat afternoon, Sat eve, and or Sun all day (and overnights with J).
I felt GOOD.
Not overwhlemed because things were DONE.

Is much easier that way.

Great memory.

I'm GONNA get that back!!


  1. I think you're right on when you reflect back on a time in your life when things were in order and say 'what did I do...what were my did I manage?" and then begin to put those things in place again. We can all relate to something being out of control (house, eating, bills, whatever) and needing to recreate a process for order. You can do this. You've done so much in the last year or so...and overcome so many things. Keeping your house in order is relatively easy and boosts huge benefits. Like with weight loss, when we have to remember how good we feel when we're taking care of ourselves, it's important to remember how good we feel when we take care of our nest. xo

  2. Love you, thank you, love you thank you!!!!
