Monday, April 8, 2013

Depression Sucks

I will be happy again.
It will just take some time.
Distract self, meditate, or redirect thought.
Stay in the present.
I did the best I knew at the time.
Get out with other people. Even a little bit.
Stick to a routine.
Lots of people if not everyone, do love me. Things are not all black or white.
There is no evidence of the worst things I believe or tell myself when I'm down.
Goals that are: "specific, measurable, attainable, rewarding, and time-limited."
And Fake it a bit
Write down all the things you used to like doing that you've stopped doing because you're sad and depressed, suggests Rego, who is also assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
That could be going to the movies, socializing with friends, or simply going to the corner coffee shop with a newspaper.
Then, one by one, start reincorporating these activities into your life even if you're feeling unenthusiastic about it. Also, focus on tasks that can give you a sense of mastery or accomplishment, whether it's tidying up the apartment or paying the bills. That can help ease the depression as well.
Admit I'm feeling bad, to myself, and take steps to make it better.
Don't beat self up.

I talked to A last night about the fact that I cannot go on with all that time with him. It can go nowhere and is causing me to withdraw and live in a fantasy. I didn't tell him all that, but I think he got it.
Now I must deal with what is inside, which I have been avoiding...
In a way, I feel, God help me. And in another way, I feel, I can.

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