Saturday, April 13, 2013

Jewel's First Free Flight! :)

5:16pm Sat.
Jewel came out!
Has been flying around (safety -insured by me) den!
And perched on ledge behind sofa (with wood put in so cannot fall or wedge)
and on door frame and various parts of cage.
I THINK he's trying to get back in now, but can't QUITE figure it out. And won't let me help him.
He'll get it.
Or I'll figure out a way to help...
Summer has just been watching, and talking.
This is exciting.
I am so happy for my Jewel.
And Summer's turn will come soon.
Oh my God, now they're kissing through the bars, Summer inside and Jewel out. Oh dear! I'm gonna help a bit.
Be back with pics.

Ok. So he DOES - APPEAR to know how to get back in, but wants to on own, or not quite yet.
Okay. I'll happily wait...







  1. Love the picture of him on the Jewel on the door frame!

  2. xo!

    Did you clip your birds' wings?
