Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. these kids
2. that they seemed to like the presents
3. that I did the poems in time
4. and am almost finished with the others too
5. that I offered to help M
6. and T
7. that I’ve been praying for R
8. breath
9. that I WILL get better. Oy
10. that can eat soup and sandwich or equivalent and lie down early
11. birds eating seed from my palm last night
12. eyesight. MY eyesight
13. my eyedrops
14. this classroom
15. my laptop
16. and the one they let me use too
17. the SmartBOARD
18. and the movie showing on it right now. So good
19. childrens’ naturaly love for animals
20. bread
21. crackers
22. hot tea
23. hot soup (or warm soup)
24. that I have “ENOUGH”
25. amazon for movie rental for right away. Phew! What a change from the “old days”
26. our computer teacher and the changes he has been making. I appreciate him
27. kids laughing right now. Nice
28. coloring. For them
29. and – for me
30. needlework
31. tv
32. relaxing
33. sleep
34. my alarm clock
35. instant coffee even
36. Earl Grey tea
37. And decaf Earl Grey
38. And green tea
39. And raspberry green tea
40. And white tea
41. And plain old Lipton tea
42. Premium saltines – for sometimes. Like when I don’t feel well. Like now.
43. Ezekial bread. Flourless, whole grain, and organic. And filling – can use half as much.
44. Fun
45. Laughter
46. The name Jewel for birdie
47. And the name Summer for birdie
48. The IMs I got today
49. Antibiotics when needed
50. Doctors
51. Water. For drinking
52. And for birdies to drink
53. And for swimming in the sound
54. And lakes
55. And pools
56. And the bay
57. And the ocean – at least for looking at
58. Doggie
59. And that she is most likely VERY happy, with J.
60. And he is probably appreciating having her too
61. That I am good to the birdie boys. “My” birdie boys
62. Recess. Thank God we’re allowed to give it to the children! JOBS don’t allow GROWN-UPS to go almost 4 hours without a break! We certainly shouldn’t be allowing little children to!
63. Smiling little boys
64. who are innocent and sweet
65. And a little mischievous lol
66. Beautiful email from L this am
67. Phone communications
68. That my mother is having good days
69. That the piano recital is put off about a month. Thank God. I am too – tired and chest-achy! Phew
70. That my prep was changed today. It was a “hardship” because I could have lost it, which is of course against the contract. But they allowed my aide to cover. However, I did have to practice, only now the kids would be in my room… so I couldn’t. So I went to practice on auditorium piano. And so I’m grateful that aide covered
71. And for auditorium piano
72. And that it happens to be a Steinway grand! (although it is pretty bad, still, big… lots of sound…)
73. And that was uncomfortable – no bench…So I didn’t have the strength to practice at lunchtime. Which was good BECAUSE THAT reminded me TO DO THE THINGS I HAD TO do for when the kids got back! Deadline! Made it yay.
74. The movie Homeward Bound. I love that movie
75. Fish (not to eat them, which I don’t lol)
76. That I am a good math teacher
77. And a good reading teacher
78. And most of all, am fair and even to colleagues
79. And *to each child
80. As an individual. Thank God for that
81. Decaf coffee from 7-11 yesterday
82. That I type so quickly
83. Re-unitings of people
84. The people who helped in Boston
85. That our little student who was there is safe
86. Indoor plumbing
87. The tulips J. planted for me a few years ago are coming up right now.
88. And the crocuses – same story – have bloomed
89. Trees
90. My huge old oak tree
91. That I HAVE a piano in my classroom
92. O
93. MA
94. ML
95. St
96. M
97. My mother having good days right now
98. That I am free
99. That I live here
100. That I work here

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