Monday, April 22, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. Sunday. Left at about 4. Got home before 6. SO MUCH involved in that one trip, for which to be – and I am – grateful. Took lovely ride up our main road.
2. Felt the sun on me in the car
3. Stopped to fill car with gas.
4. Now don’t have to tomorrow
5. And – it was full serve! Yay. (More places in NY are not than are!)
6. Safe trip up.
7. Pleasant
8. Went in and spoke with the young woman, about someone coming here possibly to clip wings.
9. She remembered me from the phone.
10. She said call back Tues after 2 and the “girl” who does that will be in.
11. She gave me her own name and told me to ask for her.
12. The owner – who is always kind of snotty – was nice to me!
13. I bought some toys! For my dear birdies. For rotation purposes.
14. And as J. always was careful about on my behalf when I would buy treat things for, it makes ME happy to do : )
15. I am actually grateful for many things I’ve learned from J.
16. Including that if you look in phone book or online, or drive around, or look in book store, you will see MANY people with help for whatever ails YOU psychologically. And those are not all there in case YOU would sometime need it. You are not alone!
17. Anyway, got the bird seed I went for.
18. And it seems they are eating the pellets I put in with it. Yay.
19. And I’m grateful that they love greens!
20. Then I stopped at hfs which I love.
21. And got some vegan salami
22. And vegan cheese
23. And organic spinach
24. And organic green beans
25. And gardein vegan chicken
26. And gardein vegan ribs
27. And gardein vegan sliders
28. And Amy’s vegan pizza with rice crust
29. And organic vegan soy ravioli
30. And Mediterranean hummus. And I am very grateful.
31. And I got home and the birdies seemed pretty happy to see me.
32. They spent much of the day in the l.r. today! With me nearby, and some piano time for them, and a new toy in their cage.
33. They are singing (chirping really) beautifully now.
34. I came home and made this for dinner: Organic spinach, a whole box, with 2 t Earth Balance mixed in, a LOT of garlic powder, 5 slices vegan salami and ¼ cup Daiya vegan mozzarella on top. It was yummy and filling and good.
35. The tulips J. planted for me when he loved me are blooming. I’d forgotten that they are red and yellow. So beautiful. A surprise for me. My favorites. In a very prominent place, and where they would get enough sun.
36. My forsythia is in bloom.
37. My lilac is in leaf
38. It comes from a cutting from MA’s over 75 year old lilac
39. It had to be transplanted, moved. But I Reikied it that night. And it has done beautifully.
40. I had hope even about getting the house fixed when I got home and saw the pretty flowers and the yellow trim on white.
41. I am now going to spend a little time with the birds. Thank you God, for everything.
42. That I was there to help a friend in need last night
43. That I awakened this morning (1 – 41 I wrote on Sun eve)
44. That the birds are fine and well this morning
45. That I slept last night.
46. That I’m coming right home to sleep today
47. And going for medical tests on weekend.
48. This: BE HAPPY

Because You Are ALIVE

— Thich Nhat Hanh
50. and that the friend with whom I shared it has shared it too.
51. I’m grateful that I did that laundry yesterday
52. And that M just called
53. And although I didn’t feel like talking, I answered. It was good for us both
54. Happy birds this morning!
55. Grateful that I didn’t use that detergent-smelling towel for covering them! Yuck.
56. And that tells ME something about more natural detergents
57. That I have been to Disneyland
58. And know enough that I would enjoy it more naturally now.
59. That the whole world is not such a mystery to me. My eyes are more open now.
60. Friends
61. That I have a nice job to go to.
62. And a job at all
63. That the 3 things I FELT would be best for the birds, they DO seem to like the best. The swing with beads and mayve uh oh leather
64. The ring toy that seems to give them not only a lot of fun but a lot of exercise and flexibility as well
65. And the expensive wooden climby toy. And they chew it too.
66. And of course the cuttle bone
67. That besides loving them and being good for them, this is sort of like a hobby too. (I don’t mean to take away anything from their aliveness by saying that!)
68. That it is a flight cage. They are stretching their wings.
69. That I will DECIDE about wing clipping or not. Am reading a lot and trying things with them
70. That they were all over my arm last night! : )
71. Mindfulness
72. That I can breathe
73. Meditate with class
74. That I have them writing more
75. And loving math
76. And reading too
77. Bob Marley’s Don’t Worry Be Happy – I love his original version
78. Song
79. Birdsong
80. Kale
81. And it’s organic too
82. J. buying it for me yesterday
83. That I saw Summer use the ladder finally
84. Bells
85. Buddhism
86. Thich Naht Hanh
87. Lighthearted people
88. Good mothers
89. Good fathers
90. Every time I don’t overeat
91. Thought for the day Hazelden site
92. Beautiful facebook posts
93. My cousin Jo
94. Ma’s healthy baby yay
95. Peacemakers
96. Earth Day
97. That father who brought in the Ming dynasty vase go show! Omg!
98. Museums
99. People who donate to them
100. My life. Really. Wow.

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