Thursday, April 4, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. slept last night
2. unfortunately the birds’ cover had fallen off, as I saw when I awoke. But I refreshed their greens this am and I’m grateful that I did
3. and that Jewel already had some right away
4. I’m grateful that I can see. Really grateful for that
5. And that my car if fine
6. And that I filled it yesterday
7. Grateful that I spent every minute engaged with the kids yesterday.
8. The fb page “Romancing Your Soul”
9. Birdsong in the morning
10. An now it is in my house too
11. They are getting closer to being tamed. I “can’t wait” to let them fly…
12. I am grateful that I have made a livable schedule out of today
13. And that I am DETERMINED to be happy this day
14. This blog
15. You. YOU! YOU!
16. Thich Nhat hanh
17. And the great facebook post about a writing of his today
18. Thurs. – I realized gratitude this morning when I walked to the kitchen and poured coffee into a cup. That I COULD do that.
19. That I could walk to the kitchen
20. That I have a kitchen to walk to
21. That I have a b.r. from which to walk
22. That on the way I stopped in the bathroom. That I have a b.r.
23. That my body is able tot do its business
24. That after that I stopped in the den to greet the birds
25. That I have the birds
26. That they have a flight cage
27. That Summer alighted on me and stood there and ate from my hand last night
28. Which means pretty soon they can fly around outside of the cage
29. That I can afford their food
30. And toys
31. That the l.r., on my way to the kitchen, is clean
32. That I have off on Saturday (not everyone does) to do the paper work that is piled up in the d.r.
33. That I can afford coffee. Coffee is expensive.
34. That I have vanilla coconut milk to put in it
35. That I bought said coconut milk for L. because he wanted it on Easter. That was nice of me.
36. That I can swallow. I remember when my mother could not swallow liquids.
37. All of that from pouring a cup of coffee.
38. And that there’s probably more that I didn’t even think of
39. My expensive coffee maker.
40. That really it was J’s but he left it here for me
41. That I am not out of coffee, which has happened.
42. That I have instant in the fridge just in case, unlike before
43. That there is no garbage piled up in the kitchen, because I got it out
44. That I have a financial meeting today. It could help me.
45. That I am enjoying sitting here next to the birds right now. How lucky that is.
46. The chirping
47. And the little bit of quiet in between. Phew. Lol
48. My aide one hour a day. I love her
49. That I have taught so amazingly well this week, Mon and Tues and Wed
50. My teeth
51. Fresh organic apples
52. Fresh organic oranges
53. Fresh organic baby kale and fresh organic baby spinach
54. And that I ate a salad of both last night
55. And that I even can and do give it to the birds.
56. Ezekial cinnamon raisin English muffins. Whole grain, no flour.
57. Water
58. My mornings to do this stuff
59. The swing I bought for the birds. I think it is PERFECT!
60. That I will help M's sub today
61. And eat dinner and practice piano after school
62. And read at lunchtime
63. And meditate with the kids – maybe walking med?
64. Fb
65. Good weather yesterday
66. Every time I drive and my car doesn’t get stuck
67. Like yesterday to work
68. And back
69. The CBS morning weather report
70. That I understood the tech course yesterday
71. That I am intelligent
72. That my piano practice is going well
73. O.
74. MA
75. Water
76. That my toilet flushes. I need it fixed but at least it works! : )
77. That I am getting stronger
78. That I can walk
79. Laughter
80. When I get it from my students. That innocent, sweet, happy childhood laughter
81. Recess. That they are allowed to have it
82. Carl Jung
83. Type
84. Meyer Briggs
85. Scientists
86. Doctors
87. Bird Talk magazine
88. Prevention magazine
89. My breath
90. My brain
91. My hair. I am really grateful for these things
92. Email
93. Facebook
94. Woods
95. Parks
96. Beaches
97. Trees
98. Fresh food and water for the birds this am
99. Walks
100. Treadmill
101. Dancing
102. Weights
103. Resistance bands
104. Eye drops
105. Pills when I need them
106. SmartBoard
107. Books
108. Nook
109. iPad
110. Good people
111. Peacemakers
112. Amy’s Indian pocket
113. Spinach
114. Birthdays
115. Summer
116. Jewel
117. YOU

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