Thursday, April 25, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. I am so grateful for this yarn J bought for me and brought over
2. And that I managed to make sub plans today
3. And good ones
4. That I have these 4 days to get better
5. That I have some job security since have been so sick so much
6. The leaves – finally green leaves! – outside my window right now!
7. That I can see
8. I am grateful fo the sunshine
9. And for everything every one is doing to help our planet and therefore all of us
10. My sweet beautiful birds
11. And how they were all over me last night again
12. And how I sing to them
13. How well they get along; each with own personality. I love them so much. They bring me such joy. And I hope to bring them such joy too!
14. My friend A.
15. Some things we’ve said lately
16. Great doctor visit yesterday
17. This cough syrup
18. This antibiotic
19. My eye drops
20. Hope for fun and lightness
21. And the birds even help with that.
22. So grateful that I took them into my home and my life, as my birthday present to myself.
23. Hope for the future
24. And for this day too
25. The sort of epiphany the night before last
26. Coffee. Really
27. The student’s babysitter who taught me to crochet
28. That I may be able to spend a little time with J soon. Really.
29. Blog
30. Fb posts of nspiration
31. And of art
32. Broccoli
33. Spinach
34. Kale
35. That my birdies love leafy green veggies!
36. People who help. Period.
37. Books
38. Coloring pages for adults – patterns, modern art, nature…
39. Shrinks who are smart. Irl and online and in book
40. Jewel’s tail sticking straight up as he leans down and eats his greens right now
41. Pretty things
42. Gold
43. Jewelry
44. Chrystals
45. Fireplace
46. Desk
47. Sitcoms
48. Pianos
49. The acting in plays I used to do
50. Crayons
51. And colored pencils. Really.
52. And markers
53. All the help healing J gave me. Emotionally
54. And physically too
55. The times swimming together
56. The great sex
57. This day
58. And my finally caring for myself
59. My hands
60. Vitamin c
61. That I am a vegan, but not perfect. Yes really.
62. When I had a family
63. That I can manage
64. When I look pretty
65. The park so nearby
66. Nature
67. Doggie. I shall see her soon, I think
68. Diets. I mean that. like not diets diets but ways of eating well
69. Baths
70. That lovely bath yesterday
71. Honest people
72. Water
73. Trees
74. All birds
75. And elephants
76. And giraffes
77. Toys for the birds
78. Exercise. I can’t wait to do it again
79. Artists who are authentic
80. My titanium pan
81. Not using Teflon (birds – AND self lol)
82. That I have a place to live. A home. Very little. Needs work. But I am not homeless
83. That I can drive. (I remember when I couldn’t)
84. That I can speak (I remember when I couldn’t)
85. Buds. Leaf buds
86. And flower buds
87. The swing for my birds. That’s the best!
88. Ducks
89. Swans
90. Geese
91. Chipmunks
92. Squirrels
93. That I have them right at my home (squirrels)
94. And even did in one apartment
95. Hot tea
96. Hot soup
97. Sleep
98. The Tate Museum. I was shocked at the horrible neighborhood and way I had to get there but LOVED the art work, so much of it!
99. That I am not a very bad speller
100. The gift of my life
101. and my health.
102. Today.

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