Monday, April 1, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. I am so grateful that I managed to give my mother a very good Easter yesterday. Phew. Thank you, God.
2. That the rough start to the day did not turn into something horrible like Christmas
3. My throat and ear hurt and I fear I might be allergic to the birds : ( BUT – I am so grateful that I have my health, in the big ways
4. That J. is helping with the mother lawyer stuff
5. That L. came yesterday.
6. And was a help with my mother
7. That he helped her with her walker
8. And getting in and out of the car
9. And across the street
10. And into the restaurant
11. And with her coat
12. And conversation! This was a big help to me.
13. Believe it or not, I am glad that he didn’t want sex. Phew. I wouldn’t have. I like the friendship with him. But it was easier than he didn’t want.
14. That I had a skirt to wear
15. And pretty shoes
16. And that they had food for me at the restaurant (with my restrictions)
17. And healthy too
18. And frankly, delicious.
19. The thing they put out with the bread was onions and collards and peps and oil
20. The bread was pane de casa
21. And they had artichokes.
22. And they catered to me by making my separate with no cheese
23. Then I had whole wheat pasta
24. With olives and capers and tomatoes and I forget what else.
25. And – I had them add broccoli to it! Good idea, from L, who did it too
26. And still have half leftover
27. And will throw the other half of the artichokes in with in for lunch today
28. I got through Easter. Oh, thank God. It was very touch and go emotionally for a while in the morning.
29. And I also have leftover Thai food from M’s house the other night
30. The music in the house this morning
31. So much better than tv.
32. That I gave fresh organic baby kale and spinach to the birds.
33. And they’ve been eating it. Yay. I’ve done that a few days now, in separate dish.
34. And I got the organic pellets to add (little by little) to their seed.
35. Heat in the house that I do have (not every room but enough!). Because it was cold last night. And will be tonight
36. I am grateful for every moment of emotional peace that I have
37. And, believe it or not, grateful that I’m going to work today.
38. Mindfulness meditation.
39. That I’ll get to do some with the kids today.
40. I am grateful for Birdie’s comments on my blog
41. That I can function.
42. That I am not paralyzed like the man in “The Sessions.”
43. I’m grateful that I sleep at night
44. That I can see.
45. And drive.
46. Bass clarinet. A beautiful piece is on right now.
47. L. for introducing me to all this great music.
48. My piano
49. And that I play it
50. Flat Stanley. And that we can be working on it this week.
51. Books
52. All the hundreds of children I’ve gotten to love reading
53. That M. loves me
54. And my mother loves me
55. And L. loves me
56. And O too
57. And S
58. And MA
59. That I have access to plenty of healthy food
60. And to water
61. That I can hear
62. My birds, may they be okay and happy
63. That I should be able to exercise a good amount this week
64. Gas stations convenient
65. Inspirational fb posts in the morning
66. The beautiful help that K was in my life
67. About Feelings work
68. And God
69. That my first post-J. company was her for what wound up being like a tea part!
70. And Mau. Although I find her very negative and critical and judgmental, I am grateful for the times she drove me and came with me to OA meetings
71. And that I took R those times she needed a ride too.
72. And went to a concert with her that once
73. For L. and all those many mornings on the phone with him and how he helped me.
74. That I THINK I’m ready to clean up my act regarding A.
75. And that I think I’m ready to do that whether he likes it or not.
76. Spring
77. Buds on trees soon
78. Tulips. I love them.
79. That J. had planted morning glories for me. I loved when he loved me.
80. That dr. and I think there is hope that he might re-consider me. Recently we thought that (last week). 1 percent maybe. But hope.
81. That if not, maybe I CAN find someone who will, whom I feel good about too. I don’t know. But I’m grateful that maybe
82. That in my job, I help people.
83. D., and that she is going to be sharing personal training and exercise info with me probably this week
84. Sh and her influence regarding personal training
85. That O. has found her way back to a clean life.
86. That maybe I can have a happy and fulfilling life too.
87. Trees
88. Birds (outside)
89. That I can AFFORD to have the birds. And feed them….
90. That I bought that really cool swing with the bell an leathery things and beads
91. And put it in their cage this morning
92. SWEET birdsong.
93. Salads
94. The calm colors in my b.r. J put them there for me (or for us; I really don’t know what he was htinking at that time)
95. Little hand weights
96. God
97. Thich Nhat Hanh
98. That Oprah interviewed him. Because this could help some people be exposed, and it might help them.
99. Hope. So grateful for hope.
100. My father. The father I was given.

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