Friday, April 26, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. I have been taking for granted a lot, that I have enough money. Now, being scared about my job, I’ve come to appreciate it even more!
2. The ability to support myself. That I have had up until now. And expect to continue having.
3. Taking better care of myself.
4. That A DID go to the hospital. I know he didn’t want to. And it turned out he needed emergency surgery. So I’m glad he did go!
5. Texted me – is fine. Good.
6. My Stitch-n-Zip kit came today.
7. Vitamin C
8. My breathing is noticeably better this morning than in many weeks. Oh thank you God. I do so look forward to regular normal breathing today
9. Today’s weather
10. I am so grateful for my birds
11. And the great time we had together last night.
12. Jewel on my finger outside of cage, so close to my face.
13. This kind of thing still happens only with milliet. But I’m okay with that!
14. Maybe one day it will happen without!
15. And if not, that’s ok too!
16. I left the cage door open for them a bit too.
17. They mostly stayed in, but Jewel came out and sat on the door for a bit.
18. This is just like the sites say – they tend to like a front porch type of place…
19. And lots of sites are very hopeful for them being trained…
20. That I am not as worried as I used to be.
21. Our planet’s oceans
22. I am so much better of than I ould be.
23. I am free
24. I am not a slave
25. I am not in a concentration camp
26. I am not in hospice
27. I am not unemployed
28. I do not have flesh-eating disease
29. I was not in any bomb attack
30. I have hair
31. I have 10 toes
32. And 10 fingers
33. I have a liver
34. My blood pressure is good
35. I do not have leukemia
36. I am smart. Not retarded. Not even Down’s Syndrome
37. I can write
38. I can read
39. I can walk
40. I can talk
41. I can see
42. I am looking at that oak tree through the window, and it makes my breathing great just to even look at it!
43. The sunshine on me
44. Spring is here
45. Summer is coming
46. That I have had 4 retreats with Thich Nhat Hanh
47. I am not in love with someone who is dying
48. J. lived, when had that serious diagnosis at age 36.
49. When I first started this job, and really truly internally felt that no one could really take from me. What could they take? My job? Not my dignity. (And I want to feel that way again)
50. That also though, I am more practical than I used to be. There are certain needs. . .There are certain things that must be done…
51. That we DO have the ability to manifest what we want in our life
52. People who are compassionate
53. People who care about each other
54. People who help each other
55. Birdsong. I have always been so grateful for it.
56. And now I have it in my house!
57. I got a REALLY cool email from a dear online friend. She asked for my address and said she is sending me a little surprise!
58. “It is you who must make the effort; the sages can only teach.” The Dharmapada
59. Art sites. I love a number of them.
60. L and I are talking as friends
61. Organic greens and baby greens for my birdy dears.
62. Newspaper sheets for the bird cage bottom
63. Great for this day: _____
64. Nature
65. Parks
66. Trees
67. Evergreen areas
68. With that scent on the ground
69. And the soft walking
70. Artistic projects
71. And creativity
72. That special, wonderful student of mine, who has a craft room next to her room!
73. The amount of class that I do have
74. Piano yesterday. I got to play a bit. It needs a lot of technical improvement, but the zest was there! : )
75. This __________
76. That I have a car
77. That runs
78. And strong legs
79. This great saying I just read: “I am a reader. Not because I don’t have a life. But because I choose to have many.” I have mixed feelings about reading, so I liked seeing this.
80. I am grateful for the non-fiction books. I have always loved those.
81. The times I spent as a young teen and younger kid, in my house growing up, reading
82. The embroidery I’ve done
83. The good reputation I MOSTLY enjoy everywhere
84. Leo Buscaglia
85. And this quote of his: “Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong.”
86. Fb page Birds Around The World
87. This: ______
88. “It is not enough to understand the natural world; the point is to defend and preserve it.” Edward Abbey
89. I am grateful for my mother’s love
90. And for sitcoms
91. And the bird playpen outside of the cage. I think they shall use it soon
92. And for moving them into l.r. and playing piano for them yesterday
93. And that I can teach
94. Including math
95. That I am a college graduate
96. And that my parents paid for it
97. And were at my graduation
98. That I graduated with honors
99. That I have a Masters degree as well
100. And paid for and took J’s family out to celebrate it

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