Sunday, June 8, 2014

I Have


I have been sleeping on the den couch for like - with maybe 2 exceptions, over a year.

Today I decluttered it, as it had become the repository for all things...

I now have

a pretty bed

all made up with fresh sheets.

and ready for me to sleep in it.


I am FINALLY ready!!!!


I shopped and have fresh, organic
chard, celery, cucumber, lettuces of a few kinds, broccoli, peaches, tomatoes.
And some frozen things
and hummus...

I am very very fortunate indeed!

And -
did not see J. today. Wasn't REALLY sure would! I know him...  But I did these things for ME. Yay. Was actually tearful in car that can FINALLY provide for self healthily.

Thank you, God.
Thank you, Universe.
Thank you, Friends.
Thank you, Mother.
Thank you, Authors.
Thank you, Students.
Thank you, Teachers.
Thank you, Self. Precious Self.

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