Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Magic June 5

June 5

Count your blessings. Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

I am truly blessed to have the practice of meditation in my life and using it at least a little most days,
because it is so good for us all! I intend to do more and more.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for my ability to read and for books,
because both are good in so many ways! I remember when still pre-school, like 3 years old, used to stand outside our 6-family little apartment, asking passers-by: “Will you show me how to do the words?” Haha! Because my parents didn’t know how to TEACH ME to read. And I wanted to SO MUCH! I am grateful for that desire!
And my mother said no I must stop doing that as it was bothering people coming home from work etc. (I was not out there alone; she was with me and I would go running the few feet over as people came by, book in hand).
That desire was like, just natural in me!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for learning how, and quickly,
because that success bred success.
My parents and uncle, encouraging me, making a big deal over how well I was doing…
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for the effect that has on me encouraging my students!,
Because they are benefitting too!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly blessed to have the learning I get from books,
because I know more about history, I know more about human nature, I was able to get my degrees, and I am able to benefit my life from self-help books – all through non-fiction reading.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for my “Magic Rock” practice!
Because I started this, according to this blog, about 54 days ago! And still, every single night, there is something new, and unique to THAT day, for which to be grateful!
And – in order to get to it, I go through some things from that particular day, that are wonderful! Wow!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for every single person who is working toward peace and freedom for people and non-human animals,
because every single one is a help.
Thank you so much!
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for laughter,
because I will live and I will die either way. Might as well lighten up and laugh and enjoy! : )
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for the help I am giving for my mother,
because she really needs it. And because it is the right thing to do. And because I am able, thank you God. And because it means I have the opportunity for the nice times with her too. And because I am not able to pawn it off on J., which is better for him and better for me.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for sitting her this morning and enjoying this day!
Because things might change, even for the better(!) – but this – I have right now!
Thank you thank you thank you!

Thank you thank you thank you!

2. Remember The magic by counting the blessings of yesterday and writing them down. Ask yourself the question: What are the good things that happened yesterday? Scan the surface of yesterday until you feel satisfied that you’ve remembered and written down all the blessings of the day.

1.      I got up in time and got in in time
2.      Even got to stop at health food store on way! Wow!
3.      Had filled gas tank the day before, so didn’t have to do that.
4.      Did great job with about half the class with the story telling.
5.      Nice moments with principal and others.
6.      I finished the book in the knick of time : )
7.      Great computer project with kids is started omg! As computer teacher told me, when we were doing it, there are VERY few second graders in the COUNTRY doing THIS!
8.      Had veggies and proteins
9.      Did NOT eat more at night when really wanted to (as ussual…)
10.   Even had cold water, which is rare for me at work.
11.   Put things in fridge so if forget… This is lucky that I have that little fridge! We (J and I) paid for it, but fortunate that I am allowed to use it (electricity).
12.   I helped a colleague in need!
13.   I really enjoyed the book course.
14.   Wrote my paper. Done. Just will polish it up a bit…
15.   Did my Magic Rock practice
16.   Did sleep. Did dream. Some were “bad” dreams – funky – but there must be a reason… Something to learn… Something So I am grateful.

1.      my blood
2.      my blood sugar lowering
3.      my carotid arteries not being so blocked!
4.      My eyesight being good!
5.      My weight lowering!
6.      My brain working!
7.      My good memory!
8.      My ability to drive!
9.      My ability to walk!
10.   My ability to hear
11.   My ability to speak
12.   My beautiful beautiful breath!
13.   My ability to have orgasms
14.   My healthy feet
15.   My ability to swallow food and drink
16.   My ability to type
17.   My ability to play piano
18.   My ability to write
19.   My ability to shop for myself
20.   My ability to do my own laundry
21.   My ability to shower for myself and do all personal hygiene for myself
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so so so grateful.
1.      Thank you, J., for making me laugh countless times!
2.      Thank you, J., for reading to me when I had something wrong – was it that my eyes were patched? Thank you! I loved that! You read from a Victoria Holt novel of all things! Haha! Something with the word “Silk” in the title…
3.      Thank you, J, for all the runs to the bookstore during my physical inability times! Thank you thank you thank you!
4.      Thank you so much, J, for considering us now! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
5.      Thank you, J, for holding my mother’s back up for all those hours while she was in the hospital. I know it hurt your back/neck. It was so compassionate of you!
6.      Thank you, J, for doing your best to try to find your grown-up SELF, despite your horrible upbringing!
7.      Thank you, J, for your patience with me all that time!
8.      Thank you, J., for doing our taxes every year.
9.      Thank you, J., for how good you are to doggie.
10.   Thank you, J, for every single vacation we took together!!
Thank you thank you thank you!

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