Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My One Hundred Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:
So I’m starting the day before, again. So much to be grateful for!

1. That I don’t leave tissues all over the place anymore. Sorry I did for that time. But grateful that I don’t now. I’ve learned
2. That my meditation put a smile on my face again this morning. So far, I still almost never want to do it, but I always feel good when do. During! And that’s a miracle to me. That it’s not just long-term benefits, but the during! It takes but a few breaths for me to feel so good in this practice. May I never give it up again. That peaceful smile comes to me. I’m very grateful for it.
3. I’m so grateful that I’ve found prayer again.
4. And that it feels so good. Now it’s Tuesday and I am grateful that the jury phone number message said my number is not going in again.
5. And that I did go with Mau for her anniversary last night, to honor her.
6. And that we made it safely, both ways
7. And that her sponsor made it there, and gave her flowers
8. And that we ate together dat the diner
9. And that I did sleep, and set the alarm for more time (an hour!) this morning. I needed that, and I’m grateful that I had the luxury of having it
10. K yesterday, coming to me to ask for meditation! And we did! So that was my second 10 minutes for yesterday: )
11. Sp helping me to help Mau about anonymity. It’s easy if you, “Just don’t ever say a name.” And being discrete. So like, not, “So and so wasn’t at the meeting last night, and I need to give her this book,” but, “ I have so and so’s book. Do you think you can give it to her soon?”
12. That I had the meeting last night.
13. The speaker’s honesty.
14. The clapping and positive spirit in that room
15. So much abstinence, weight loss, and *recovery *
16. That my Lifeline was here yesterday! The back issue, and it’s a good one for me. Maybe they all are, but I can feel it.
17. That I’m less tired now than an hour ago : )
18. That when I didn’t want to hang up, and said to L, “It’s time, damn, “ Sp said, “An opportunity for another day.” That’s beautiful.
19. And when I said in response to something else, “That’s beautiful,” l said, “People are beautiful. Whenever people are trying to get better(?) (or do the right thing? Something like that) it’s beautiful.”
20. That I did do the things I promised God, this morning, even though I started an hour later. And will finish these gratitudes, of course.
21. That I will go back and change all -s to Sp for Sponsor. So if anyone in program reads my blog…
22. I’m grateful that I got to school safely today (am there now, before kids coming in)
23. And that I’m eating breakfast and have brought lunch
24. And that both are healthy.
25. That the weather is *beautiful * this morning! And should be all day
26. That I don’t have 2 jobs, and can afford to go home and do some laundry and rest today!
27. That I no longer think of laundry as opposite of rest
28. Haiku
29. Poet’s eyes, and that we’re teaching about that
30. Native American poetry.
31. And that time (seventh grade?) when I went into the public library and asked the reference person, and wound up finding *so much beautiful Native American poetry *
32. That J has put up all the high things in this classroom
33. And all the backing paper.
34. That there was no fog in front of my eyes last night at that meeting
35. That I am choosing to skip the plain flour and go for the whole grains more and more
36. Wind chimes. Here and at home and “everywhere”
37. How wonderful my sub plans are. I found that out even moreso yesterday when *I * followed them.
38. Me being so cheerful to the kids as they come in; helping to start this part of their day off with a smile
39. That in by far the vast majority of cases, I am a source of them feeling good about themselves. Over all these years
40. The cardboard keyboard and the fun they’ll have doing their words with it
41. That the two students I’ve known of modeling over the years, have loved it and wanted to do it
42. That people are able to get over the biggest tragedies
43. Educational DVDs
44. That at least some part of the meeting yesterday was useful
45. The Flat Stanley packets. Really.
46. Private reading and that is is valued in the schools (which it wasn’t always, everywhere!)
47. That when I want to move, I just move. My brain just has my body do it and my body just complies. That’s a miracle.
48. I’m a miracle
49. 18 K gold. It’s so pretty
50. Geometry
51. And that I was so good at it
52. Memorizing and that I’m so good at it
53. Hand washing catching on
54. Eganism catching on
55. A certain degree of anonymity
56. Accepting children for who/where they are
57. Photos of our beautiful earth from outer space
58. Animal sanctuaries
59. That when my kids build “farms,” they really are more like sanctuaries
60. That the office paid my Flat Stanley postage
61. That M got how big it was that I went out and filled the tanka nd switched the mistaken Chinese food Sunday night
62. Clifford books
63. Biscuit books
64. Mr. Putter and Tabby books
65. And the first grade subbing that introduced me to them
66. My pages and pages book and reading lists that I took during the MA time
67. That T is not absent today after all
68. That people are still sharing about the meditation
69. That my mother is having good days. That she’s alive, and here, and smiling
70. And that we talk every single day
71. That I learned keyboarding in high school
72. That the kids seem to be enjoying their reading
73. And that I’ve finally thought to introduce the tracing paper into the class, and remembering how fun I always found it too
74. N-F
75. That M and I rode over together to the meeting yesterday
76. Constellations
77. My star
78. Our Barbados poster thing (may we get to put it up)
79. Pony Pals and the kids who love that series
80. The carpet here
81. And that I’m not allergic to it
82. The room is a comfy temperature for me today. That’s rare, and I’m grateful or it
83. That I got to crochet a bit yesterday
84. That my eyes seem stronger now. It’s like I see better without my glasses than with! (the top part)
85. That we haven’t had a real intruder alert this year (lockdown)
86. That I didn’t miss the teacher appreciation luncheon
87. Summer soon, may I use it so well
88. That I will call J in a couple of days and see about walking together soon
89. Sp today
90. Dimples. On others and on me
91. Praying for abstinence
92. Languages and the beauty of them
93. That I made it through all of my college and grad course
94. And even did well
95. That I never hav eto carry a gun
96. Stickers
97. And that I give them to the kids on their papers
98. When I get to see a show I’ve never seen, when I feel that I need tv, and may it continue to happen less and less
99. J getting to snorkel
100. And at Barbados also
101. That we have some funny books for the kids
102. Hope (I’m over 100, so I can repeat it)
103. Little girls’ girlie things like friendship necklaces and posters and headbands. That they have them and that I used to have some of them.

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