Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Today's One Hundred Gratitudes

I am grateful:

1. I am grateful that the trees are in full leaf. I missed them so much.
2. And that my psych has experience plumbing. Maybe he can figure out what the hell is wrong with my sink.
3. And that the goslings are so big and still fluffy now, and so close as I drive (but safe)
4. That I am not in traction, and have never been.
5. For this thought: What if I am determined, just determined, to be happy for today. Today.
6. And for this thought: The summer, which I am dreading – DREADING! – without J., COULD be seen as an opportunity to really go within and heal myself. NOT about how I FEEL each day, but about how I can do the right thing to get better.
7. And that should feel better too.
8. That T. said I could just go to Staples and buy the stupid pens, and give the receipt and they’d reimburse.
9. That I’ll be working Step 8 asap.
10. That I’m sipping hot tea.
11. That I don’t need food stamps.
12. That I’ve never been violently raped.
13. Or incested.
14. That Tr is not absent today! She’s invaluable to me!
15. And that she hugged me and thanked me profusely for the eval. I wrote for her
16. And that I meant it every word – in other words I’m grateful that she’s that good
17. That although I hate doing the classroom without J., I feel good about myself after I do it.
18. That I didn’t get caught in the downpour today.
19. That I saw that girl and made her stop, so the truck wouldn’t hit her. I think he would have seen her, but still…
20. That although I am usually so desperate about wanting my marriage healed, sometimes I am accepting of the situation. Like this morning I was despondent, but on the way home from work I felt fine. And now I’m just kind of depressed…
21. That I’m keeping my word to watch M’s dog this weekend, even though I wish I didn’t have to: (
22. That I gave Jodi the presents
23. And she was appreciative to be appreciated.
24. That my dr. came here.
25. And my mother sounded good.
26. And my doctor answered all my questions.
27. And I took notes. Good because I might not remember otherwise : )
28. That dr. helped me some.
29. That although about 23 hours and 59 minutes and 59 seconds a day I’m scared and miserable, on the way home today I wasn’t.
30. That I just did my CoDA PM work.
31. That I’m breathing. Yes, I’m really grateful for that.
32. And for access to fresh, clean water
33. And healthy food.
34. And new chances.
35. And a hair salon for coloring my grays.
36. And cutting my hair too.
37. And freedom of religion
38. And freedom of speech
39. And freedom to pick own job
40. And shoes that fit
41. And blankets
42. And sheets
43. And pillowcases
44. And drawers
45. And doors
46. And windows
47. And the especially beautiful windows in that room.
48. And that at least Ph still has *some * toys.
49. And that my dr. reminded me to not obsess over this stuff (decisions about J.) or I can drive myself crazy.
50. That the 3 of us walked across the street to the store today.
51. And still laughed.
52. Dr. Phil. Really. I like some of his sayings.
53. Like, “How’s that been workin for you?”
54. And “You teach people how to treat you.”
55. And “Man up.”
56. And “You don’t really want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you.”
57. I’m grateful for all empowering things.
58. L’s 48 year anniversary today. She’s a lovely wonderful woman and I’m so happy for them both.
59. That JJ sent me that e-mail today.
60. Ethical people. And there are many.
61. That that horrible man was caught.
62. That those lovely girls are getting help.
63. That Tr. seemed happy today.
64. Singing and songs.
65. That I finished my paper today.
66. And handed it in, with the paperwork for the course.
67. And I can get paid back for it now.
68. That I don’t have to take the poodle this weekend.
69. Which means I can go out.
70. And I can take Ph sooner! Yay. I miss her.
71. That I did do the Meditation thread yesterday
72. And people came on
73. And I did it again today
74. The laughter of children.
75. That even people who’ve been through very bad things, like my very dear friend, who is now an adult older than I who is a survivor of incest as a young and innocent girl, can get help and get past these events and have a good life. As my friend does, thank God. And others can too. Someone who knows who you are: I hope you’re reading this xo
76. Elephants
77. That we’ll do mealworms next year
78. And butterflies. We can’t do anything else but these will help children respect and understand life.
79. And the plants too.
80. Minnie Mouse.
81. Great philosophers.
82. Memory tricks.
83. And that I don’t have trouble with my memory.
84. My strong legs.
85. That I was – am – physically able to do the classroom.
86. Rocks. Little and big and millions of years old.
87. Especially the ones on my property.
88. And the one I saw the girl sitting on today. I never thought to sit there.
89. Colorful shoes. I don’t have any, but I like to look at them.
90. Pretty accents.
91. The French language. I just love it. Always have.
92. Orchestras
93. Bands
94. Dances and dancers
95. That I just found out there are free dance lessons at the church/school I can walk to from my house!
96. Ballets
97. Operas
98. Plays
99. Movies – wow – that’s a lot of entertainment!
100. Leisure time. It’s a luxury.
101. Hope.
102. Prayer

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