Saturday, May 28, 2011

Happinesses, Joys, Fun, etc.

I'm looking for ways to not *just* work at work and work on self but also to have some fun.
Well, I'm a bit torn about this.
Like, of course I want fun!
But - maybe right now is like *my* "Razor's Edge" kind of time and I do need to do a lot of work on myself - and I do get to.

Anyway, that feels right.

But then, what CoDA Sp said today was great too. About how I had to take a Xanax at work Monday, and that has never happened before, and she said she has another way, a little exercise she would do when she would obsess about the someone:
Very simple
Whenever you think about that person that you’re detaching from – tell self NO and think about something healthy – that only pertains to you –
A friend
A phone call
A walk
A cup of tea – a movie – something to break the pattern
Because as addict we do the same thing over and over again
Ch – piano – Phoebe

She also shared about the importance of being able to identify our feelings.

And so, putting all that together somehow or not or whatever, I think it would do me some good to notice my things that *feel* *good.*

So this may seem ridiculous, but

*I truly enjoyed eating that raw kale salad. It felt good, like fun even. (And healthy etc.)
*I can keep looking at the beautiful flowers I bought for my own self. And shared the pleasure with her too. I can say there is some joy in those flowers for me. And that I picked not too formal but very cheery looking ones. Lots of yellow. And pink and some purple. Just so happy-looking. And they bring me joy. I am happy to do it. And I bought ingreds. to make my own hummus the next several times instead of buying, and that will pay for the flowers:)

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