Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Magic July 15

Just a beautiful beautiful pic! From 12 Apostles Road in Australia.

July 15

Remember The magic by counting the blessings of yesterday and writing them down. Ask yourself the question: What are the good things that happened yesterday? Scan the surface of yesterday until you feel satisfied that you’ve remembered and written down all the blessings of the day.

July 14 pm I was so moved that I had to write these, which came to 13.
1.      Was aware of going gentle on and with myself
2.      Did some of the “thank you thank you” with each step
3.      Enjoyed my Whole Body Cardio Fix exercise
4.      AND what it does for me
5.      Practiced some Chopin. Nice.
6.      Really ENJOYED the feeling of the water on my hands while washing them
7.      And really ENJOYED the fresh raw organic strawberries oh wonderful!
8.      The feeling in car that am grateful am able to have this opportunity to help mother
9.      And also in car at other moment, the awareness of life IN THE MOMENT. The one second
10.   Mood turned around. Way up.
11.   Best food day maybe EVER. I could FEEL the satiety. AND the ENERGY. AND all was delicious. AND I didn’t even crave junk
12.   I exercised once for the 30 minutes and again later for 10.
13.   Wow. A lot of wows!
THIS MORNING NOW: There is something happening about being – in the moment and happily so. Feeling it.
1.      Also feeling strength in muscles in body in core. From the exercise. Oh yay oh yay oh yay oh yay.
2.      My  breath feels so good. Easy, slow, deep, thankful thankful thankful
3.      Yesterday, I ate nuts and seeds and veggies and fruits and whole flourless grains and proteins and a Shakeology and nice amount of water. Wow. I always believed in eating veggies, fruit, grains, nuts, seeds… but I never knew HOW. This 21 Day Fix is showing me how. It is AMAZING how much better I feel! And so quickly!
4.      And how quickly my body responds to exercise too! Yay me!
5.      Yesterday I had rough times with my mother. I mean, I think I caused HER rough times. And that broke my heart too. But on phone later, we made it better. Phew. May I remember that as much as I suffer over it, she is suffering more, and act with absolute compassion.
6.      I am so grateful for my birds singing.
7.      And flying about so much.
8.      And the good food I give them.
9.      Last night I slept
10.   Did Magic Rock practice of course.
11.   Interesting dreams. Not all good but all interesting.

Count your blessings. Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

I am truly blessed to have sleep at night,
because it is restorative. And necessary. And some people struggle with it. And I did in my teens and again in my twenties. Didn’t sleep for over an hour and half a night for a year! Wound up with double pneumonia – forcing 3 weeks of sleep day and night! Now I sleep. For years and years I do sleep at night. So grateful for this!
Thank you than you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for Kayleigh,
because here on this blog, publically, that’s why I feel fine saying this, she told me maybe I need to stop focusing on how I feel all the time and just enjoy for example, folding a load of laundry. She wouldn’t know this, but I have thought of that like a million times since and it has influenced me.
I am not the “type” to not focus on my feelings, especially after I was in a cocoon and now am really like an embryo growing, growing…
But I have been influenced and enjoy the MOMENt much much more now!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for my dreams,
because I think they’re physically necessary, but also – they’re so INTERESTING! I love them!
Also, I have the ability to go right back into a dream after awakening from it!
What fun!
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for the dear little squirrel who influenced me so much. I loved her and I love my friend who was fostering her. My heart is broken since the little squirrel fell and died day before yesterday,
but I m so grateful
because I know K and that she shared so much of dear squirrel with us – with me.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly blessed to have opportunities,
Because like today for example, don’t I have every opportunity in the world! Really!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for getting done as much as I did yesterday. Because although not all I’d wished, but lowered the wish! Lol. Because being gentle on myself is worth more right now! Little by little…
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for being alive and not having killed myself!
Because there is so much good. And so much even, ok. And I can give and help. And I can have fun. And it is precious and short this life, and to be enjoyed, I think.
Things change. Fro the better. Always. If we just let them!
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for these positive mornings,
because I love them I just love them.
F, coffee, birds singing and out of cage, tv, time to spare, gratitudes, endless potential of a day, trees and greens in bloom outside windows, oh thank you!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for my never-give-upness,
because I have always had it, it has served me so well, and it helps others too.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for having quit smoking. In 1989. Wow.
Because I just saw yet another commercial..
And that was a real “monkey on my back” and I don’t have it at all anymore for decades!
Thank you thank you thank you!

And I am incredibly grateful that I helped J quit smoking too, finding that hypnotist and paying for it twice for him. I had quit before that and it was much harder for me but I did it. But for him it was like he was saying, “Nothing has happened,” but a switch was just turned off in his head!
Thank you thank you thank you!

Thank you thank you thank you!

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