Friday, October 19, 2012

My One Hundred Gratitudes Today

I am grateful: 1. That L and I had such nice contacts today 2. That I love my dear girlfriend, M 3. That I am home. Safe and sound and cozy. 4. And tired! So I’m grateful that I’m going to read in bed and then sleep 5. Little MissMatched socks: ) 6. JJ! 7. Fri morning now. I am grateful for the For Today quote: "Only in a hut built for a moment can one live without fear." That’s what I do when I “hide.” That’s what I feel like I do. 8. And this amazing wonderful quote from it too, which reminds me so of what Thich Nhat Hanh says: "This is a fine, pain-free, worry-free moment in which there is nothing to fear. Therefore, enjoy it." 9. I love today’s Voices of Recovery! 10. FEAR equaling Face Everything and Recover. 11. This is a great thought, from today’s Language of Letting Go: We may have neglected to love ourselves in the process of caring for others, but nurturing is an asset. 12. This also, from Language of Letting Go: Recovery is not about eliminating our personality. Recovery aims at changing, accepting, working around, or transforming our negatives, and building on our positives. 13. I am grateful for a nice long talk with L this morning 14. And that other than 2 phone calls, I had no obligations about my mother yesterday. 15. I am grateful for both of my eyes. 16. And for my eyedrops. 17. I am grateful that I am going in today 18. And for hope. 19. And that I WILL get the things done that I have to do. I WILL. 20. And that I have never been in an accident where anyone got seriously hurt. 21. And that I don’t text while driving. 22. Weather reports. And how they help us. 23. Windshield wipers 24. Defroster 25. Defogger 26. Scraper – snow season is on its way 27. And that I have a scraper in my classroom. 28. That I have never been the victim of a home invasion 29. Or a car jacking 30. Or skyjacking 31. Or kidnapping 32. Or rape 33. Or a mugging 34. Or a hold-up 35. Or a home robbery 36. Or a car stolen 37. Or a shooting 38. Or a stabbing 39. That my parents were there for me when I was little. 40. That I have known, and do know, love in my life. In many different ways. 41. Romantic love 42. Love from my parents 43. Love for my parents 44. Love from my friends 45. Love for my friends 46. Love from my aunts and uncles 47. Love for my aunts and uncles 48. Love from my cousins 49. Love for my cousins 50. All the time I used to spend with Aunt R and all the things she’d do 51. All the time I used to spend with Aunt l and all the things she’d do 52. That it looks like I’ll have a nice weekend 53. That St and I have been in touch yesterday and today 54. People who make me laugh 55. Sitcoms 56. That I have choices. Like choices of what to watch on tv 57. And choices of whether to watch tv 58. And choices in my hobby cabinet 59. And choices of career 60. And courses to take 61. And books to read 62. And music to play 63. And foods to eat 64. And what and whether to cook 65. And where to eat out (with L and with girlfriends) 66. And what to wear 67. And what shoes to wear 68. And even which computer to use 69. And pictures to hang 70. And paint. Such luxuries these all are 71. And what exercise to do 72. And how to wear my hair 73. Even what color I might want it 74. And with whom to be friends 75. And how to teach different things 76. And which side/part of the big queen-sized bed to sleep on 77. And where to take walks 78. And whether to swim (indoors) in the winter 79. Or take dance lessons. All these luxuries 80. That I have danced with J. 81. And we won a contest once. 82. All the good times I had with him 83. And how much he DID love me. Right? 84. That I did not have nightmares last night 85. Freedom 86. Health. I am so grateful for my health 87. And that I can breathe on my own 88. And for my beautiful heart 89. And that my neck and back feel good 90. That I have a liberal arts education 91. And am contributing to giving one 92. That I recognize a lot of references, like to deviations, . . . math and science, literature, etc. 93. That my parents paid for my college education! 94. And that I paid for my Masters! 95. That I have a house 96. And the mortgage is almost paid 97. That I HAVE a job and a salary 98. That I am ENOUGH of a self-starter that I have managed all my life 99. Whole-grain toast 100. Coffee here this morning

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