Friday, October 14, 2011

Some Gratitudes

Can't type 100 but here are some gratitudes.
I am grateful for these things:

1. I have never been the victim of a violent crime by an outsider.
2. M had a good day yesterday.
3. St. called with a good idea to help M.
4. I prayed for other people today.
5. I'm getting daily compliments on how I look. I wish I had done that when J. was here, but I'm grateful for it now anyway.
6. I am healthy.
7. The SmartBoard course.
8. Weekend coming (need rest).
9. My mother
10. Healthy food for today.
11. Being better with money.
12. Meditated with the kids yesterday ("breathing game")
13. That principal actually wants me to give them that.
14. That they loved it.
15. Jackets.
16. Sleep.
17. Water.
18. My great soup recipe I made up.
19. That there are still leaves on the trees. I love trees. And leaves.
20. That some of them are turning beautiful colors.
21. That O and I went to that composer's grave the other day, and it was so amazing.
22. Hope.

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