Thursday, March 1, 2012


At least some bits from each -

For Today

Important one, I think!:
Feb. 25

"When one is a stranger to oneself then one is estranged from others too." Anne Morrow Lindberg
"I may have made some progress in self-knowledge before, but only the OA program fills in ALL the gaps. ...The key - the real magic - of the twelve steps is that they replace my shabby independence with dependence on a strength that never fails me, my self-destructiveness with sane and healthful living.
Today, there is no split between what I want to do and what i actually do. I am abstinent. I am in touch with my feelings and with reality. i an reach out to others and be what *I * would want in a friend, spouse, sister, mother or co-worker.
For today: To keep growing in self-awareness, awareness of others and of God is my highest priority. For this, I am willing ot abstain and follow the directions in the steps."

Wonderful. And that's enough of For Today for today.


Voices of Recovery
Feb 24

Ohh- biggy

"The illusions I had as a compulsive overeater were at the rest of my illness. When exposed to the bright light of reality these ideas - my old illusions - crumble into dust and low away." For Today p. 134

"I carried the illusions I brought with me to this program for many years. For example, if i were a 'good girl,' life would bring me no pain; when I married, I would be taken care of; I could control people, places, and things; being thin would solve all my problems; if I had enough willpower, I could stop eating.
When I came into Overeaters Anonymous, these illusions were exposed to the bright light of the Twelve Steps, and gradually they lost their hold over me. OA gave me the courage, hope, and clarity to face my life, one day at a time, without eating compulsively. Today i believe that living in reality carries with it the widest spectrum of feelings and challenges. When I keep the Twelve Steps close at hand, I have a chance to experience the promises and gifts of this program."

Can't type enough to do all, so here is one of each of the other two too


In This Moment

Oh boy...!

Feb 25

"In This Moment, a new way is better.

The lack of attention and preponderance of 'No' from mom in childhood is countered by equal intensity of not accepting the 'No' and needing the 'Yes' from my intimate partner. The needier I am, he more I set myself up for rejection. now that I've been hit in the gut with that awareness, I can figure out how to cahnge.

The truth is that the old way doesn't work. The new way is better. First, I recognize that I have a problem and then, with the help of my Higher Power, I begin to work to correct it. How blessed..."

cannot type anymore:(


Now it's Thursday:

Today's For Today:

"All things are possible until they are proved impossible - and even the impossible may only be so, as of now." Pearl s. buck

"If I set my sights short with the thought that weight loss is enough, I may never live life to ts fullest, enjoying its pleasures and gifts. I was not meant to live in spiritual poverty. god's gifts are mine for the taking, to be kept only by sharing them with others.
If today it seems impossible to be free of my most deeply-rooted faults, I accept that really only for today. Tomorrow takes care of itself, and there is every reason to believe all things are possible. Have I not received gifts I once thought were impossible?

For today: If abstinence with peace of mind and physical wellbeing is possible, can anything be impossible?"


Today's Voices of Recovery:

"Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him." Step Three

"What freedom I've found in knowing that when I work Step Three and turn my will and my life and my food over to my Higher Power, I am no longer powerless. The Big Book tells me that a new power flows in. I am then empowered to make healthy choices. Abstinence is no longer the struggle it was when I was trying to abstain by willpower alone.
Allowing this new power to flow in constantly and consistently throughout this day, I see that cravings are not commands, and relapse is never inevitable. I can do this. I can move through this day abstinent and free. I now affirm, 'Abstinence is the easiest thing I have ever done."


Today's In This Moment:
Oh - I love this first line, and need it:
"In This Moment, I have hope."

"When I was little, I had lots of dreams for a life of happiness. Somewhere along the way, I gave up on those dreams. my life was full of problems. i believed that my problems were all someone else's fault.

By working my program and going to CoDA meetings, I learned that my life is what I make of it. Now, I have hope. I see ice, snow, and grayness out my window. But in just a few weeks I'll be looking at fresh green graas, pink roses, and golden sunshine. Seasons change and so will I."



Today's The Language of Letting Go:

"Letting Go of Anger

"In recovery, we often discuss anger objectively. Yes, we reason, it's an emotion we're all prone to experience. yes, the goal in recovery is to be free of resentment and anger. Yes, it's okay to feel angry, we agree. Well, maybe . . .
Anger is a powerful and sometimes frightening emotion. It's also a beneficial one if it's not allowed to harden into resentment or used as a battering ram to punish or abuse people.
Anger is a warning signal. It points to problems. Sometimes, it signals problems we need to solve. Sometimes, it points to boundaries we need to set. Sometimes, it's the final burst of energy before letting go, or acceptance, settles in.
And, sometimes, anger just is. It doesn't have to be justified. It usually can't be confined to a tidy package. And it need not cause us to stifle ourselves or our energy.
We don't have to feel guilty whenever we experience anger. We don't have to feel guilty.
Breathe deeply. WE can shamelessly feel all our feelings, including anger, and still take responsibility for our behaviors.

I will feel and release any angry feelings I have today. I can do that appropriately and safely."


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