Monday, March 12, 2012

Today's Readings

For Today:

"What loneliness is more lonely than distrust?" George Eliot

"I didn't call it distrust, but what else kept me always on guard, saying only what others wanted to hear, often doing nothing for fear of displeasing? I walked on timid feet.
The door to trust opened when I took the first three steps: the minute i gave it to God, the compulsion was gone. today I am open to the wisdom, integrity and strength of others, inside and outside. OA. Because I trust the OA program, my whole attitude and outlook has changed.
When I am disappointed in a meeting and wonder, 'Is this all there is?' I accept it as part of living. Far from making me lose faith in the program, my restlessness reminds me of what life was like before OA. I may not always find what i want there, but my trust that OA meetings are where I need to be is as unshakable as my trust in the principles of the program and my trust in God.

For today: Trust is freedom from fear, which is one of the promises of the program. To become more trusting, I can devote part of this day to writing on my experiences in this area.


Voices of Recovery

"Weight has seemingly been such an overwhelming problem that until pounds are shed, many of us have not been aware of the problems that underlie compulsive overeating." So You've Reached Goal Weight, Now What? p. 1

"Before OA I was an expert on the art of losing weight. I knew how to lose the weight and lose it quickly. Somehow, each time i lost weight, it always found its way back to me. In working a program of recovery in OA, the weight has had to come off much more slowly; I've experienced delayed gratification. In OA I have to allow time for my emotions and spiritual growth to catch up with the difference in body size. I need to earn my weight loss a day at a time, and turn my ever elusive goal weight' over to the decision of my Higher Power. Through working an OA program, I am able to let go of the weight gracefully, and today, letting go of weight is a by-product of my spiritual growth. By maintaining conscious contact with a power greater than myself, I am finally able to feel at peace while abstaining from compulsive eating.


In This Moment

"In This Moment, I don't take myself so seriously.

At my first CoDA meeting, I couldn't understand why all those people were smiling and laughing. Didn't they know life is serious? My problems were overwhelming and I thought recovery had to be serious work. Some people invited me to join them for coffee after the meeting. There they poked fun at themselves. in time, I realized how terribly 'humor impaired' I had become. I wanted what they had. Gradually, I joined the mirth and merriment.

Today, I can laugh. now, it's my turn to invite a newcomer to join us for coffee. And joy of joys, I am being restored to sanity."


The Language of Letting Go


"If we could untangle the mysteries of life and unravel the energies which run through the world; if we could evaluate correctly the significance of passing events; if we could measure the struggles, dilemmas, and aspirations of mankind, we could find that nothing is born out of time. Everything comes at its appointed moment." Joseph R. Sizoo


"timing can be frustrating. We can wait and wait for something to happen, and it seems to be forever until it comes to pass. Or, suddenly, an event or circumstance is thrust upon us, catching us by surprise. Believing that things happen too slowly or too quickly is an illusion. Timing is perfect.

Today, I will trust and work with Divine order. I will accept the timing in my life today and in my past as being perfect."


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