Saturday, January 21, 2012


I am grateful:

1. 8 people here!
2. Plus all the others not listed!
3. M!
4. Life. Oh finally, I am grateful for my life.
5. That the new therapist is insistent that I see other guys. In a way I’m grateful for this. No sex, no moving toward commitment. I couldn’t do either at this point anyway. Just some nice times.
6. Online boggle
7. Two great books for this long day.
8. I must figure out something healthy to cook, that involves protein AND veggies --- soup! I’ll make another great soup! Done. Yay. I’ll start that soon.
9. Chinese New Year
10. And the fun things we’ll be doing for/with the kids around it.
11. And my two Chinese children will especially love that
12. Breath
13. Kindness. In everyone who has kindness.
14. For Today
15. Voices of Recovery
16. In This Moment
17. The Language of Letting Go
18. Books
19. Blankets
20. Hat
21. Hot bubble bath with candle and tea later. Ummm.
22. Telling M. about my new therapist. We’ll finish the talk later (her kids needed her).
23. Crpuzzles online
24. House
25. House in order
26. Healthy food made
27. Water. Water water water. So grateful for water.
28. My prayer to God this morning.
29. People.
30. Dogs.
31. Giraffes in my dream. So beautiful.
32. Positive dreams last night. Beautiful.
33. Kairava.
34. Time today. Thank God. Time today (snowed in).
35. Soon will have fireplace cleaned out.
36. French. Starting Monday! Yay!
37. Breath
38. Voice
39. Legs
40. Exercise!
41. Feet
42. Hands
43. Typing
44. Piano
45. M. wants to come if I play in May.

I’m going to practice right now while I have energy. Will then finish.

And I'm back.

46. That J has been very sweet and may well be convincing my mother to stay where she belongs (nursing home) for the entire two weeks!
47. So that maybe, she can still live “on her own” in her apartment.
48. But accept some help.
49. That I have now heard from 2 cousins.
50. That J wrote and asked if I have what I need snow-wise. That was decent of him to do.
51. That he is putting the tax return right into MY bank account. That’s what should be. I do just want us BOTH to be nice, and fair. I am NOT looking to screw him over. And I do NOT want him to either!
52. Back to Bach. I’m enjoying my practicing so much today: )
53. And now Scales!
54. And Hanon!
55. And using beautiful, exquisite new gift Journal for piano stuff! Not “saving” it for perfection…. Yay!
56. Back again. OMG I am more relaxed than I have EVER been at the piano!
57. Doing some Reinhold now. Oh blessed, blessed Reinhold. Such a beautiful piece.
58. And I love that the Bach piece is *cheerful! *
59. I think that the French language is the most beautiful “music” I have ever heard. I am so grateful for it. And for this opportunity to take it!
60. I just practiced. For two. Whole. Hours. I haven’t done that in a long time. Yay.
61. And – now I know enough to stop.
62. I am grateful that I just took the laundry up (the hanging laundry). (Now I have to fix/get more of the pipe liner. Because that’s what it’s hung on, and I burned my hands a little bit.)
63. That I just saw that with 2 little substitutions, I have the ingreds to make that wonderful Caribbian soup (“Such Yummy Soup”) for my mom. She could get a few meals out of that (if they’ll heat it up for her – and they WILL. I will SEE to it!)
64. And I’m about to make it.
65. And with those substitutions, I believe it will be fine.
66. M. found/shared some amazing Chinese New Year stuff with me for the class to enjoy! I’m SO grateful.
67. I’m feeling relaxed today. Very grateful for that.
68. And – I’m feeling – kind of – well, happy. Of course, I always did want to be a homemaker. And this second day here. But still, some of it is from inside changes. Because last year, I *dreaded * days here. Very grateful.
69. I *may * even create another dish today!
70. Nanny returns
71. My guilty pleasure – Fashion Police
72. Beautiful gowns to look at at the awards shows
73. The gorgeous oak tree with the newly falling snow.
74. That today, supposedly, Ch is to send the guys to do the snow removal. Of course he swore in the spring they would – now he says he didn’t, but he’ll do it because I’m “like” family.” They’d better come. No. Better: I’m grateful that they’re coming.
75. My gorgeous, calming l.r. area rug. After all these years, it’s finally down on the floor.
76. My floors are shiny right now.
77. Smart people, who try to help others.
78. Junky magazines sometimes.
79. And that I will bring some to my mother.
80. My eyesight
81. My eyedrops
82. My deodorant
83. My soaps
84. My perfume
85. My bubble bath
86. My shampoo. Really grateful for all these things.
87. And my toothpaste.
88. And my toothbrush
89. And my floss
90. My 3 sinks: bathroom, kitchen, and laundry basement sink.
91. My comfy cozy warm slippers.
92. Safe travels for everyone who has them.
93. And all the safe travels I’ve had.
94. Humor.
95. Prayer.
96. That I have a job. Since I need one, I’m grateful that I have one.
97. And days off! Especially when I’m sick.
98. All the support systems I have.
99. Maybe I AM a survivor!
100. This things I’ve done that I’m proud of. Some things. Yay.

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