Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I am grateful:

1. That I am made by God.
2. That I am part of the universe.
3. That I did approach D. yesterday about her ridiculous and egregious act, although clumsily and will do better next time.
4. That we seem to have worked it out.
5. The phrase, “Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.” (Wish I’d understood it sooner, but glad I seem to understand it better now).
6. Furnace coming today.
7. A day off to be here for it.
8. J. supporting during.
9. That tonight I will likely get to take a hot shower. Yay.
10. That people from other countries like Turkey
11. and Russia
12. and Malaysia
13. and Singapore,
14. and Germany,
15. and Canada,
16. and India,
17. and Denmark,
18. and The Netherlands,
19. and The United Kingdom,
20. and Australia,
21. and United Arab Emeriates,
22. and Cote d’Ivoire,
23. and Israel, and
24. and Latvia see my blog.
25. And that means we are all one and I am not alone – no one is.
26. And that maybe it will help someone somewhere too.
27. Mau calling last night.
28. And me being nice to her.
29. Kind of accepting who/where she is.
30. That I visited my mom yesterday.
31. And brought doggie.
32. And will again today.
33. And we both had a nice time, I think.
34. And she moved the little chair. I like her to move at all.
35. And that J called when I was there.
36. And – that he showed me the newspaper his full-page color add is in, on Saturday.
37. And that there is an article about him too!
38. With his picture!
39. Which looks great!
40. And it is a wonderful article!
41. And that I asked him if I could keep it.
42. And he did give it to me.
43. I am happy for J, and I’m grateful that I’m happy for him.
44. Walking doggie yesterday morning. It was good for me to stretch my legs too.
45. And she loved the walk.
46. Her whole personality.
47. Today’s For Today: “Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you with to be.” Thomas Kempis
48. And that today is a very painful anniversary of the day J said things that scared me, last year. (I thought it was yesterday, but it was today). But – I have grown a lot since then. And for that I am grateful.
49. And that I had thought that gee, when I get back to these pages in the daily books, I won’t be able to include them in my gratitudes because repeats, but I see now that that is not so. Because they are different each time. Because I am different. Thank God.
50. And it goes on to say “It is only through the help of this program, and continuously working at letting go and letting God,
51. “hat I can detach myself from the problems of those I love.
52. …”it is when I stop trying to make others be what I
53. think they should be that they begin coming closer to their true potential.
54. “This is because, in accepting them as they are, I am clearly changing myself and acting only to fulfill my own highest potential.
55. “For today: The influence I have on others by practicing the principles of the program in my everyday life is far more effective than anything I can do or say to change them.”
56. How my little doggie lives in the moment.
57. And how much I learn from her.
58. And that I know sometimes I bring her happiness. (May I do it moreso).
59. Today’s Voices of Recovery: “The best way I know to plant a seed is to be the best example I can be of how OA recovery is working in my life
60. “and trust that God will provide the opportunity for me to share.
61. “I also realize that I could only try to carry the message, not that I could be successful every time.
62. “Some seeds take longer to sprout than others.” Another wonderful example from nature.
63. The whole concept of “conducive to awakening.”
64. “If it is meant to be, it will happen in God’s time.”
65. That I ate so well yesterday.
66. Today’s In This Moment: “In This Moment, I trust my vibes.”
67. “If I’m uncomfortable in a situation or around certain people, I can leave.
68. “I don’t have to explain or justify my feelings to anyone.
69. “I can simply walk away and remove myself from the situation.
70. “I am learning to listen to my inner voice and follow through with healthy actions.
71. “My spiritual self is wise, abut its voice is subtle.
72. “I pray and meditate daily – even just a few minutes a day – to increase my conscious contact with my Higher Power.
73. “Connecting on a regular basis develops the spiritual ‘muscles’ I need for recovery.”
74. And that I did not have *this * book last year so it is LITERALLY all new: )
75. Same with Language of Letting Go
76. Tomorrow’s Language of Letting Go: “The Victim Trap. The belief that life has to be hard and difficult is the belief that makes a martyr.
77. “We can change our negative beliefs about life, and whether we have the power to stop our pain and take care of ourselves.
78. “We aren’t helpless.
79. “We can solve our problems.
80. “We do have power – not to change or control others, but to solve the problems that are ours to solve.
81. “Using each problem that comes our way to ‘prove’ that life is hard and we are helpless – this is codependency. It’s the victim trap.
82. “Life does not have to be difficult.
83. “In fact, it can be smooth.
84. “Life is good.
85. “We don’t have to ‘awfulize’ it, or ourselves.
86. “We don’t have to live on the underside.
87. “We do have power, more power than we know, even in the difficult times.
88. “And the difficult times don’t prove life is bad; they are part of the ups and downs of life; often, they work out for the best
89. “We can change our attitude;
90. “we can change ourselves;
91. “sometimes, we can change our circumstances.
92. “Life is challenging. Sometimes, there’s more pain than w asked for; sometimes, there’s more joy than we imagined.
93. “It’s all part of the package, and the package is good.
94. “We are not victims of life.
95. “We can learn to remove ourselves as victims of life.
96. “By letting go of our belief that life has to be hard and difficult, we make our life much easier.
97. “Today, God, help me let go of my belief that life is so hard, so awful, or so difficult.
98. “Help me replace that belief with a healthier, more realistic view.”
99. That I heard from S.
100. Maybe MA will come visit today.
101. Maybe I’ll get a bunch of report cards done.
102. Maybe the furnace stuff will work out.

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