Saturday, November 26, 2011


I am grateful:

1. Got through yesterday. Not quite as good as day before, but got through.
2. Cooked and containered the soup.
3. Cooked and containered the veggie protein bake.
4. Cooked and containered tha pasta/veggies/protein dish.
5. Make shopping list for today.
6. Ate well yesterday! Yay.
7. Did two loads of laundry and two of dishes. Yay.
8. Cleaned up kitchen counters
9. And stovetop a little
10. Cough going away
11. Maybe will see MA today.
12. Will at least talk with her.
13. If can’t see her, maybe can make reading date with St? Want reading date.
14. Will take little walk if weather okay.
15. Will get to take mother to bank and shopping. Will improve veggie bake – less fake meat and maybe add some cashews
16. Will make today.
17. Microwave broke : ( But – will get new one. That’s all.
18. Also gave me opportunity to heat coffee on stovetop, which is supposedly better for you than nuking it.
19. Today’s For Today: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana
20. “The diet-and-binge syndrome experienced by many compulsive overeaters is a classic example of ‘forgetfulness.’
21. …”Thank God I am in a program that does not talk about dieting and losing weight, but rather tells me what I can do to like who I am right now.
22. “For today: To keep it fresh in my mind, I share my experience with other compulsive overeaters.”
23. I’m so grateful to have *this * sponsor. So much better for me than R or even B were.
24. Today’s Voices of Recovery: “Tradition Seven seems obvious at first glance: the group will pay its own way in terms of finances and service. However, a closer look reveals a more personal aspect to Tradition Seven. This Tradition shows me how to ‘pay’ my own way in my personal life.”
25. Wow.
26. “Specifically, this means that I can’t expect others to carry my burdens, perform my responsibilities, or take credit for my failures or successes.
27. “Nor am I to do those things for others.”
28. And it says, “What a freeing idea this has been!”
29. This piece, in an OA book, hits my co-dependent personality hard. So I’m grateful for CoDA.
30. It goes on to say: “Tradition Seven seems to parallel Step Seven. Humility is the common factor.
31. “in Step seven, we ask, in full knowledge of who we are in the sight of our Higher Power, that our shortcomings be removed:
32. “in tradition Seven, true humility motivates us to take responsibility for ourselves in our personal lives and in the Fellowship.
33. “once more I marvel at the wisdom and the intricacy of the Twelve-Step way of life.”
34. Today’s In this Moment: “In This Moment, I can.
35. “When I first came in to the CoDA program and heard, ‘Fake it ‘til you make it,’ I thought it seemed such a dishonest phrase.
36. “In recovery, I was trying to discover my true self and not be phony.
37. “In time, I realized this slogan helps me walk through my fear of change.”
38. Ooh. That’ s important for me.
39. “When my self-talk is negative and fear overwhelm me, I now focus on the positive aspects of the situation.
40. “by acting as if I’m already capable of handling things, little by little, I find that indeed I am.
41. “It’s one of the mysterious rewards I’ve received in recovery!”
42. Today’s Language of Letting Go: “Look how far we’ve come!
43. “It’s good to focus on the task ahead, on what remains to be done. It’s important to stop and feel pleased about what we’ve accomplished too.
44. “Yes, it may seem that the change has been slow. At times change is grueling.” Oh good then, it’s not only me.
45. “Yes, we’ve taken steps backward. But we’re right where we’re supposed to be.” That’s comforting.
46. “We’re right where we need to be.”
47. “And we have come so far.”
48. I am thankful for the friendship of my CoDA sponsor, K.
49. And it goes on to say: “Sometimes by leaps, sometimes with tiny steps, sometimes kicking and screaming all the while, sometimes with sleeves rolled up and white knuckles,
50. “we’ve learned.
51. “Grown.
52. “Changed.
53. “Look how far we’ve come.
54. “Today, I will appreciate my progress.
55. “I will let myself feel good about what has been accomplished.”
56. All those times J and I spent the mindfulness day at the sangha. How I cherish those now. Sad. Miss. But grateful had.
57. Sharing book Koko’s Kitten with my class.
58. And with M’s class.
59. And the dvd Conversation with Koko too.
60. This day of life.
61. I just had breakfast. Because I’d put a bit too much bulgur into the stewp, I thinned it out a bit. 1 cup soup + ½ cup water, and because microwave broke yesterday, I heated it on the stovetop. A little hot and spicy, a little Caribbean and mellow and smooth, a delicious, satisfying, healthy breakfast. Yay.
62. I just made my shopping list. Good.
63. Watching reruns of The Nanny. It makes me feel cheerful.
64. Not judging myself so much for that.
65. The idea of the possible party/get-together
66. O and MA possibly needing piano tuner too, so he’ll come over the bridge for us
67. My piano
68. My Big Book
69. Hands. Hand that work and do so much.
70. Laughter.
71. Growing.
72. Water.
73. Heat. Furnace.
74. Oak tree.
75. Time to do this every day.
76. Prayers. Of mine. And of others. For selves, me, and each other.
77. Everyone who is helping our planet for us and future generations.
78. Scientists.
79. Honest people.
80. Service.
81. And my finally starting to *really * understand it.
82. Yellow. I love that cheerful color.
83. Hope to get this place in order.
84. Hope about J.
85. Hope about self.
86. God. God in my life.
87. Universal goodness and power
88. The law of attraction, may I use it better.
89. Reiki
90. Gonna buy a coat soon (or fix old one).
91. My car. I love my used car.
92. Recycling pick-up.
93. Garbage pick-up.
94. Girlfriends.
95. Kind people.
96. Generous people.
97. Fun.
98. Jigsaw puzzles.
99. Good books.
100. Magazines.
101. Beaches.

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