Saturday, November 12, 2011


This is my opportunity.
To be okay on my own.
So I can be okay on my own.
And so that I can be okay with someone else too.

I had a great talk with J the other night on the phone. Nice, fun, happy.
And a great visit today while he was dropping off doggie. Nice, fun, happy. And he even tried to fix my vacuum (without my asking).

And he is very happy with his business stuff, as I am for him. This man who sat around doing nothing for so long, will be busy every day and night this week, with work stuff. And I am very happy for him. He'll be tired, but he'll be happy.
Anyway, knowing that not only is it best for me not to contact him, but he's so busy anyway, helps me to realize my opportunity to *be* me!

For example,
I'm really enjoying cooking!
Today I've made vegan "chicken cacciatore" and Mexican lasagna (or enchilada casserole)
And tonight I'm making lasagna and my veggie protein bake.
And last week I made the great soup and the bake.

I am truly enjoying the making of the food, and portioning it out into containers for the fridge. And freezing some. And cleaning up my little cozy kitchen.

And right now, while the Mexican lasagna finishes, I'm enjoying watching the movie Salt, by myself. And not stressing. Doggie is here. We've seen my mother...

Must grow to be more and more okay on own.

And am doing that!



  1. There was a time in my life when I decided to remain single for at least a year. It was horrible at first but by the end of the year I loved it and ended staying single for another year. I learned so much about myself but most of all, no matter what, I would be OK as a single woman.

  2. Wow. Thank you, Honey.
    Thank you thank you thank you thank you.
