Sunday, November 13, 2011


I'm grateful:

1. That I want to live.
That I want to live.
Oh thank you, God.
2. Time with dear doggie
3. Seeing O last night
4. And having such a nice time together.
5. And that I did go, since she was having a problem, and didn’t tell me that so I almost didn’t.
6. That it helped her feel better. Yay.
7. The compliment that that kid from D’s class gave my (and her) piano teacher about *me! * That I’m “so energetic an enthusiastic, it’s like I’m like the kids in the best possible way.” Nice.
8. Sunrises
9. Sunsets
10. Puppy cuddles
11. Friends
12. Books
13. Piano
14. Embroidery
15. Walking
16. Movies
17. Tv
18. Magazines
19. The travel I have done
20. Laughter
21. Helping others
22. This daily work.
23. That I feel sacred
24. And divine
25. And blessed
26. And glorious
27. And grateful
28. And loving
29. And supported
30. Plum wine
31. Sleeping last night
32. With doggie
33. That my fridge and freezer are filled with good food I made!
34. A whole day off
35. Fran Drescher and her old show The Nanny. It makes me feel cheerful.
36. Today’s For Today: “I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn’t know.” Mark Twain
37. “How truly gratifying it is not to be afraid to say, ‘I don’t know.’
38. “One man confided that his fear of admitting ignorance was so great he made up ‘facts’ to support his position in an argument.
39. “It sometimes happens that, as children, we are rebuked by teachers or parents for failing to give a correct answer, perhaps leaving us with a resolve never to admit ignorance again. But we no longer need to act on that resolve; we can sweep it away along with the other ‘wreckage’ we discard when we take inventory.
40. “For today: recognition of one’s limitations is a mark of intelligence, not ignorance. If I don’t know the answer, I am not afraid to say so.”
41. Today’s Voices of Recovery: “Many of us had asked God to help us control our weight and this prayer hadn’t worked.” OA 12 & 12 p. 15
42. “I have spent years praying for help with my diets and my compulsive eating. I was desperate: life felt futile because the prayers did not work. Each day I bargained with God for a reprieve. Yet I always weakened in the face of some food I loved. “When I went to a Twelve Step and Twelve Tradition study meeting, however, I began to hear the solution to my problem
43. “Today I pray, but I ask for daily guidance instead of help with my weight.
44. “I do ask my Higher Power for help to get me through tempting situations.
45. “This lifts me to an awareness of God and changes my focus.
46. “I’ve prayed healing prayers for people who are ill,
47. “and I’ve prayed for guidance in being able to grocery shop without buying the wrong items.
48. “My weight loss results from actions I am willing to take,
49. “not from asking god to remove my fat or help me lose weight.
50. “today I am a work in progress.”
51. Today’s In This Moment: “In This Moment, I define the God of my understanding.
52. “I know I need help from a Higher Power in my recovery, but it took me a while to find the God of my understanding.
53. “Old images of God from my childhood kept getting in the way. Letting go of those scary images was not easy, but once I started building my own definition, I felt the loving presence of a ‘power greater than’ myself.
54. “Now, I have a simple test for any new idea. If it causes me to feel bad or think of doing self-destructive things, I know that’s my old codependent self, not God as I now understand God.
55. “My newly defined Higher Power restores me to sanity.”
56. MA inviting me to stay the other night
57. And putting the new bamboo sheets on the bed for me
58. And offering me tea
59. And trying to select CD we’d like to watch
60. Even though I couldn’t win up staying because of cat allergies, I’m so grateful for her care
61. ML’s still lucid moments
62. About to have Mexican food
63. Lots of water
64. 2 more days til heat and hot water
65. CoDA later, if I want to go
66. Cuddling with doggie
67. So tired. But an relax if want – it’s Sunday.

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