Monday, February 20, 2012

CoDA Morning Work Today

I feel:

Thrilled, with the changes in me. The miracle.
Awed by the miracle.
Sane. Or at least leaning toward sane :)
Gifted - learning - piano - languages - handling things
Unencumbered! Me! In many ways!
Valued - by M, and O, and MA and ML and S and St and N and G and D and J and L and sponsor and K and students and many parents and my mother and God and myself. Finally myself.
Empowered - because the more I do, the more I know I am able to do. Just "do the next right thing."
Hopeful. Hopeful hopeful hopeful hopeful
Grateful - for so much
Satisfied - with my life *right now*
Affirmed - by M, by JJ , by EJ, by Biride, by God, by self
Delighted - with new things - date, museum, French, piano, doggie, enjoyment! Good foods...
Optimistic - Yay!
healthy - because I am
Whole - because I am. I. Am!
Reflective - but in a good way. A nice way.
Vibrant. Live!
Alive. Yay
Forgiving. He did the best he could too.
Sacred - God
Blessed - in countless ways, including ability to know it
Open - to whatever is to come. AND to living in the moment
Energized - for the things I have to do and the things I want to do
Cheerful - practicing it has made it so! (And, "Fake it til you make it" has worked for me!
Surprised - that my life could be so good with so much wrong - and my attitude could change - and I could and do really feel okay!
Vital. Yes! I am vital.
Fine. Thank God, I feel fine.
Brave. In so many ways. Doing the things. And facing the things.
Calm. Thank God, I feel calm. Oh, deep breath just now even typing that.
Heard. Somehow able to be myself and be heard and not so much caring who likes it and who doesn't! I exist!
Loved - by friends...
Proud - in a good way - of doing things
Worthy because God made us ALL - why would I not be worthy?
EFFECTIVE. After all that upbringing. All those years of feeling I have no impact, I find out that my actions ARE effective!
Free! And grateful for it!
Renewed. Why not?
Peacful. Thank God
Glorious. Wow.
Secure in a way. god

Powerless, willing and humble

And a little overwhelmed and uncomfortable too. A lot to do, not all of it comfortable.

But - I know I can.

Will do differently - report cards sooner this vaca.
Not rush or push self.

5 Good Things about Me:
1. I am there for my friends
2. I am funny
3. I am talented - acting
4. I can think on my feet in virtually or maybe totally any work situation
5. I have nice hair
6. I have nice eyes
7. I have sort of dimples
8. I have nice feet.
9. I have a nice smile.
10. And I use it.

Wow! That's 10 things!


  1. You make MY life richer. I love seeing your growth, enjoying your sense of humor, and keeping up with your interesting life. I hope we can meet someday. xoxo

  2. I love you.
    I really love you.
    We *will* meet someday!
    I'm not kidding.

    Thank you so much, Dear One!
