Saturday, February 18, 2012


I am grateful:

1. The calm I do have, despite everything going on.
2. That I do my morning work.
3. That I was a tremendous help to M yesterday
4. That I did manage to get my schedule up for the day we return
5. And I have the week off now!
6. That the laptop is working. (It almost wasn’t)
7. That on the way home yesterday, after feeling really nervous, I had this tremendous acceptance. Like, “I’ll be as smart as possible and get good help, and after that, what comes of it all comes of it all, period.” Regarding J and the money and my mother.
8. And everything, really.
9. That looking forward to some time soon with Thich Nhat Hahn is helping me so much
10. That I’m feeling the power in my hands again. Like the Reiki and spirituality through my hands. I am special this way.
11. I’m grateful for this life. Life, crazy life. But it’s nice to be here.
12. And that I’m able.
13. Able to think
14. To work
15. To walk
16. To see
17. To speak
18. To eat
19. To drink
20. To exercise
21. To breathe. All of these things on my own.
22. Will get passport stuff going today. Nervous about doing it! But can. Can. (I think I can).
23. Plus, I will feel so much better afterward.
24. I think, unlike last time, I will do the report cards asap rather than later. Get them over with.
25. And try to enjoy. Because as Thich Nhat Hahn says, “Life is only available in the present moment.” So I WANT *this * moment.
26. I am grateful that Roseanne repeat is on right now. It is cute (junky) background for me
27. I am grateful, very grateful, for MA
28. And ML
29. And S
30. And St
31. And Jo
32. And O
33. And M
34. And K
35. And B
36. And Tr
37. And Sh
38. And A
39. And N
40. And Li
41. And OA people
42. And OA sponsor
43. And CoDA sponsor
44. I’m so grateful that my thumb still works
45. And that I’m still doing those exercises
46. And for my cousin K
47. And for Ch
48. And my diversion of L
49. And possible others
50. And that I don’t isolate as much!
51. And I’ll buy a few clothes this week.
52. And continue treating my body well.
53. And better and better.
54. Dr. Oz
55. Dr. Phil
56. Oprah over the years
57. Buddha
58. Prayer
59. Reiki
60. Thich Nhat Hahn!
61. G, who introduced me to TNH
62. Air
63. Home
64. Heat!
65. Fresh coffee this am
66. Breakfast soon
67. Good veggies in house
68. Cashing 284. check today. And don’t have to share half.
69. Laughter
70. Some time alone – “down time” except that expression can imply a different kind of down and I don’t mean that
71. Blankets
72. Treadmill
73. Balance thing
74. Exercise bands
75. Online exercises
76. DVDs
77. The word, “Namaste.”
78. Magazines. Yup, really.
79. Envelopes. Really.
80. Vegan shoes
81. Vegan pocket books
82. My grandmother, Noni.
83. My hair
84. My eyes
85. My meds
86. My digestive system
87. Plants
88. The oak tree!
89. The bamboo in the back
90. Doggie
91. Every bird I’ve had
92. Every fish I’ve had
93. The turtles I had
94. My stove
95. My dishwasher!
96. My new microwave
97. Windows. I am truly grateful for these things
98. Tea
99. Cinnamon
100. African Sweet Potato Peanut stew

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