Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I am grateful:

1. Life
2. Being able to be myself with L
3. And with M
4. And with MA
5. O’s birthday present finally came. Good.
6. The farm trip is over
7. The kids loved the animals.
8. Every pretty dress I’ve ever had
9. And the gowns too.
10. Kale salad for today
11. Although I am so tired, and nervous about teaching today – with these things “off” in my body, somehow I will get through today. I’m grateful for that thought.
12. French lessons! Grateful for those!
13. I just heard the fresh coffee beep.
14. Whenever I use the Law of Attraction and use it positively
15. M reading the Five Mindfulness Training out loud with me yesterday.
16. The great gift I got yesterday from my secret valentine buddy. And the money goes to a charity
17. Me getting nice gifts for my buddy receiver, too
18. The whole thing is cheering up my weeks
19. Vegan “Greek yogurt”
20. Water
21. My feet that walk me everywhere and never hurt
22. That I gave a little Reiki to the piggy yesterday
23. That psychologist told me it’s okay to call for help if M needs support: )
24. And – I take her class when needed also, of course
25. I have many luxuries. Including a tv
26. And bookcases
27. And books to put on them
28. And other things to put on them
29. And money to buy little things for my valentine secret buddy
30. And smiles of children every day
31. And lights
32. And ability to read
33. And shoes
34. And a scarf
35. And a hat
36. And earmuffs
37. And soft hands even though I don’t have gloves this year
38. And slippers
39. And I bought them myself
40. Gifts that give back
41. The parents were nice to me yesterday
42. I was given a very sweet just-picked parsnip
43. I will cook it tonight
44. All went well with wheelchair for that child
45. Psychologist came and all worked out
46. That my valentine buddy gave me something that benefits St. Jude’s children’s hospital
47. Aspirin
48. Valium sometimes
49. That I’ve decided my desire to have a glass of wine at home, isn’t about wine. It’s about the experience. So I can use a crystal goblet and sparkling water or grape juice or both (like a spritzer). That feels right
50. Hope. Hope . Hope whenever I have it
51. People who are kind
52. People who help non-human animals
53. People who help others, less fortunate
54. That I brought food to the food pantry donation thing yesterday
55. That I’ll give more
56. Coloring
57. French homework
58. Almost halfway to the weekend
59. Early am prep +partial today. Needed. Grateful.
60. Decent schedule today +reading, writing, math, and science for them
61. Dr. later. Um, I *think * I’m grateful
62. Lentil soup
63. Spinach
64. Collards
65. Broccoli
66. Protein
67. Fresh fruit
68. And that J took me up on my offer and took a few pieces when picking up doggie yesterday
69. He actually seemed a little excited about it
70. I’m not as overwhelming exhausted as I was weeks ago
71. I do sleep and I’m grateful for that
72. Reiki
73. Giving some to piggies yesterday. Did I already say that? I’m tired.
74. Breath. Very grateful for breath.
75. Getting along with my colleagues
76. My Buddhist necklace from M.
77. My fingers, that type so well.
78. Jo.
79. K.
80. Maybe I can still get credit for that course.
81. Compassion. In me and in others.
82. Me working toward living the Five Mindfulness Trainings.
83. Happy children and their smiles.
84. That they were happy at the farm yesterday.
85. And we walked, and got fresh air. That’s good, anyway.
86. Sandwiches. Healthy sandwiches.
87. Conversations with adults.
88. I think I’ll get a real lunch break today. Maybe.
89. I can run to the post office tomorrow at lunch. Grateful for the convenience.
90. Just had another shooting pain. I’m grateful for when I don’t have them.
91. And that I’m taking better care of my health now.
92. And the antibiotics I’m about to start for my infection.
93. My attitude is improving.
94. Wind chimes.
95. We’ll put up our valentines envelopes at school today
96. The kids are excited about those
97. Psychologist giving me computer thing with pictures from our trip on it so I can upload for parents
98. Every sanctuary on the planet
99. Every person who helps sanctuaries
100. E., who personally drove cross-country to save an emu.

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