Friday, February 24, 2012

Oh my gosh - my horoscope today!

"A sense that your life has finally reached a point of stability can influence your choices and behavior today. You may discover that you are energized by unfamiliar circumstances and unexpected opportunities rather than alarmed by them. The skills and talents you possess can strike you as particularly reliable today, and you may be eager to take those risks that will enable you to fulfill your purpose. Your confidence can also put you in a reflective mood, prompting you to consider carefully why you are now feeling a solid inner self-worth. You will likely find that you are merely reacting positively to your newly developed confidence in your self-reliance and security.

We thrive on stability and security because it is only when we feel confident in our lives and our aptitudes that we are able to reach beyond the arbitrary limitations we once set for ourselves in order to investigate the opportunities waiting for us in the unknown. Once we cast off the constraints of fear and uncertainty, we can march boldly into the realms that lie beyond our individual comfort zones. Our prospects become infinite because our eyes are opened to possibilities we would likely have been blind to in the past. As we need not waste time, energy, or resources worrying about what the future will bring, we can concentrate the whole of our focus on those tasks that will help us grow as individuals. The confidence you feel today will empower you to evolve in ways you never before considered possible."

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